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Walking into the glass doors, I looked around and it was confirmed that my brother was right. Seated across the coffee shop were the epitomes of what you'd want to look like as a 21-year-old in this generation. There was something expensive and cool worn on everyone, ranging from suede snap backs or Rolex watches to Nike jackets and fresh pairs of Chucks. It was perfect.

Looking around, I got my hands on most of the random stuff displayed on the shelves; coffee grounds, mugs, monkey tea infusers, you name it. I was too busy checking out all the little things to realize that my brother had already bought me something to drink.

"English breakfast tea?" I asked, taking the warm glass cup from Mace's hold.

"Of course," he replied with a wink, faltering a little bit. "I mean, that's what a certain someone knew to make for you."

He nodded his head to somewhere behind me, and I raised my eyebrow before turning around and spotting a waving brunette behind the counter.

"Madi!" she said cheerfully as I walked over to her with Mace and gave her a big hug. "How have you been? Did you and Mace visit our apartment yet? You're so old now!" she basically shot out, happily looking over my appearance.

"Hi Candice! I've been better, but yeah! I love it," I smiled. "I've missed you and your crazy cooking."

"And I've missed you and your crazy artistry." she smiled back, wiping off some wet cups with a rag. "Watch out Mace, there's gonna be a lot of guys chasing after this one."

While Mace and Candice got engrossed in whatever couple conversations couples have, I sipped my tea and observed around the small shop. I guess could get used to this.

Before I knew it, my eyes crossed paths with a pair of green ones that we're undeniable to me.

I almost did a double take before I realized; I had just made eye contact with Harry Styles.


A/N: Yay! Harry is officially in the pictureee. Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate :) I've got some down time so maybe I'll update another chapter hopefully by today. Let me know any thoughts or notes in the comments!

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