1. Midnight

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Stars blazed the night sky. It was cold and the air was bursting with excitement. Yep, it was that time of the year: New Year's Eve. Since my dad and I were heading to London in the morning, we decided to make a pit-stop at Times Square, since it was after all New Year's Eve. As my dad guided us through all of the traffic, I checked my phone. New message.

Brendan: Happy New Year girl! Can't wait to finally meet you in person! :D

I smiled at my crazy friend. Yes, I met him via Tumblr (we both share a love for Coldplay). He lives in London so we'll actually get to see each other face-to-face, instead of Skype. 

Me: It's not quite midnight over here but thanks buddy! Can't wait either! Text ya tomorrow :)

"How's this spot, kiddo?" My dad asked. I looked up to find that we were right in front of the tower. 

"It's fine, Dad," I replied. I took this opportunity to glance around and observe my surroundings. Couple. Couple. Family. Couple. Woah, definitely a couple. A group of screaming girls. Coup- wait... Is that a One Direction sign? I squinted my eyes and sure enough, there was a young girl, perhaps 14, holding a huge '1D' sign. She was surrounded by the other screaming girls. I watched as her eyes scanned the crowd, slowly meeting mine. They quickly darted next to me and lit up like a firework. This was followed by a scream as she tapped her friend's shoulder, pointing over to where I was. The girl looked next to me and her eyes did the same. Not long after that, a police man walked over to the group and attempted to contain them. It appeared to be a struggle.

What was all that about? I thought. I turned to my left and searched for something to scream about. Sure enough, I think I found what, or who, they were all worked up about. His head was bent down as he scrolled through his phone, signature curls concealed by a grey and white beanie. I've seen him before; on magazines, TV, iTunes, posters, life-sized cutouts, on albums, on the top of cabs, heck I've even seen his face in my old school's bathroom. Yet, I could not for the life of me remember his name. What was it ... Liam? No, Liam has short hair. Um... h-henry? Harvey? Yeah, I think it's Harvey. REGARDLESS, he was standing just a mere 3-feet away. I was standing 3-feet away from Harvey from One Direction. Now, I'm not the type to fan girl but... c'mon, he's a celebrity. 

I suddenly felt the urge to turn and take a shameless selfie with his back in the background when he looked up. I quickly looked down at my phone. It was 11:55 pm. Only 5 minutes to go. I locked my phone and nonchalantly looked back up and around, like nothing had happened... smooth. My eyes 'just so happened' to meet his. I gasped. They seemed to be almost glowing and slightly red. 

He smiled and flashed his perfectly white teeth, while I just stood there staring like a zombie. I guess he found my facial expression funny because he looked down and started to laugh. I felt the redness rushing to my cheeks as I turned away. A few seconds later I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned, finding Harvey standing directly in front of me. This time his eyes were not glowing. 

"Hello," his raspy voice said. I noticed he had a British accent. Hmm, I've never really heard him talk before.

"H-hi," I choked back. Once again... smooth.

"I'm Harry," he said as he stuck his hand out. So it isn't Harvey.

"Maylie," I greeted, accepting his handshake. He smiled.

"That's a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl," I blushed.

"Why thank you, kind sir," he laughed and released my hand. I didn't notice that we were still holding hands.

"So... are you all by yourself out here?" He questioned. I glanced around and sure enough, my dad was nowhere in sight.

"Well, it looks like I am now," I sighed. 

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