"hey, let's change socks," I suggested, if we're going to prank people today we should look the same and have people go through hell finding who's who,

"Ok!" Av says, I'm pretty sure she knows what I'm thinking, it's a twin thing. We exchange socks and like I said we look exactly the same, since she had my dad's green eyes and I had mom's which were blue. I handed her my blue contacts, I don't need them, and I just wear them for fun even though they're the same color as my eyes.

"I look like you!" Av exclaimed clapping her hands together like a child,

"You look like me!" I imitated her reaction and voice, this should be fun. We grabbed our book bags which luckily were the same, weird right? we made our way downstairs and everyone was there mom and dad in their work suits and Liam in cargo shorts and a blue v-neck. Everyone looked at us trying to figure out who's who. Av and I decide to always talk at the same time, which shouldn't be that hard since we practically think the same thing.

We smirked at each other and made our way to the table, sitting next to each other. Delicious pancakes sat on our plate and we picked up our food at the same time. The whole time, my family looked at us like we were aliens, I mean come on, and it’s only Av and I their daughter.

Av and I finished our breakfast and said bye to mom and dad kissing both their cheeks at the same time, they still look like they saw a ghost. Liam walked us to his car but before getting in her turned around facing us,

"ok, which one of you is Ronnie and who's Av?" he said crossing his arms over his chest, Av and I looked at each other and giggled, of course we're not going to tell him. He sighed and opened the passenger door and got inside. Av and I sat in the backseat and waited to have a fun day at school!


20 minutes 59 seconds and a whole lot of Liam asking who's who later, we finally arrived to school, Av and I kissed Liam goodbye and walked out the car. All eyes were on us, like we were some kind of superstar. Av blushed and so did I, we made our way out of the parking lot and to the building walking like we owned the school, which we did at the moment.

Whispering, that's all we heard, every pair of eyes were on us. I didn't want us to go to our lockers because they would figure out who's who, so Av and I made our way to our spot.

The guys weren't here yet so we sat down and waited,

"Next time you’re having green eyes!" Av said I nodded and went on my phone; I decided to let Av have the extra black case that I have for my phone, she also pulled out hers and we took the same sitting position and played Candy Crush together.

Five minutes of me passing the levels and Av yelling later, the guys came. They looked at us weirdly and I could practically feel that Nate was searching between us for Av,

"Ha-ha, very funny guys, which one of you is Nica?" Jessie asked, Av and I looked at each other and smirked,

"That’s her" we said at the same time pointing at each other, this is really fun. They're eyes widened even more if that's possible and sat down on the soft green grass. Av and I went back to playing our game as Nate sat in front of both of us studying us. We didn't pay attention, I started texting Av and asking talking to her, her nickname in her phone was Twinsie and so was mine,

~hey!!! :) ~ Me

~hey girlie :) ~Av

~you know he's looking at us right? ~ Me

~yeah, do you think he'll figure us out? ~ Av

~no, I don't think so, let's just act like me :) ~ Me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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