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1. Flop over and die from their extreme sexyness,

2. Fangirl with Harry.

3. Have a farting contest with Niall while chanting "WE ARE WE ARE WE ARE THE CRAZY PEOPLE! WE ARE WE ARE WE ARE HAVING A FARTING CONTEST! WE ARE WE ARE WE ARE THE CRAZY PEOPLE!" to the beat of that one Ke$ha song that I forgot the name of.

4. Eat Zayn's hair whilst singing "Cinamon roll, cinamon roll, ooooooooooooh cina cina cinamon roll, ba doom boom doom boom.

5. Feel Louis's bum while saying "I'm feeling your hinie, it's so pretty and shiney. You better hide it, before I bite it." and then attempt to bitr his butt.

6. Have a sixsome.

7. Play twenty questions with LIam.

8. Dramatically re-enact the Gotta Be You music video, but kick Zayn out of it, insisting that you're the REAL Zayn Malik and that he is just an imposter.

9. Steal Harry's phone. Go on his Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or something. Press your thighs together and take a picture of the line that seperates them. Caption it "My lovely little cheeks >.<" and then post it.

10. Go roller-skating in the hallway wearing nothing but socks.

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