Chapter One: Anthony

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Chapter One: Anthony

So, hey fellow readers

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So, hey fellow readers. This book is going to switch between POV's so be prepared.

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Yeah, it's kinda crap but oh well.

Your abnormal author,
The Imperfect Author <3

Your abnormal author,The Imperfect Author <3

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I FEEL LIKE HELL. No, I feel like hell and shit had a baby. Also known as me. I don't think that it's Monday morning making me feel like shit. It's mainly because Nat was still ignoring me. Ignoring my presence. Ignoring my apologies. Ignoring me in general. And Blair wasn't much help either. Not that I blamed her. She and Adam were like two peas in a proverbial pod that couldn't be broken. And she still hated my guts from the lasagne incident and for the fact that I cheated on her best friend with a legit Gretchen Weiners clone.

"Anthony, get up!" My mum called from downstairs.

I really didn't want to get up. I would be seeing Nat again and I would probably try to say sorry but she would just ignore me and Blair and Alexa would shoot me looks that could kill while the guys would probably shoot me looks of pity. Well, all guys except from Adam. Adam would probably do whatever his girlfriend wanted because she was whipped as fuck. Hey, look at me. I'm in no position to talk. I'm chasing after a girl that wants nothing to with me. If that isn't the epitome of whipped then I don't know what is. All in all, it would be like every other day like how it was for the past two months. Sad, I know. I've been chasing a girl that basically hates me for two months.

My life has turned to this.

Where's the knife? Or gun? Or sledgehammer?

Man, I've really taken shit for granted. I took Blair for granted and now she hates me. I took Nat for granted and now I have no girlfriend and no spark in my life. I took my guy friends for granted and they want nothing to do with me. No fucking person wants anything to do with me.

"Anthony Drey McCallum, get your ass down here before your mother hits me!" My dad pleaded.

My lips turned into an ever so small smile. My parents were still in love after twenty years, eighteen with me. But six months with me lining around like I have no fucking life. I practically have none. It's actually sad.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and I heard my door open.

"Anthony," he sighed.

"Leave me alone, old man," I grumbled.

"Are you still brooding over Nat?" He asked me.

"She still won't have anything to do with me," I whined.

"What you did was kind of unforgivable," he said.

"But I fucking love her!"

"You what?"

"I love her, dad. I've wanted her since we were like fifteen. She's so beautiful and I finally had my chance but I fucking blew it!"

"Language Anthony."

"Since when did you give a shit about language?" I said with a smirk.

"Shut up. But, you have to get up."


"Damn you're whipped."

"Says the married man."

"Get up, Anthony. Everyday is a new day." I've been living by that for the past six months and she still doesn't want anything to do with me.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get out"

Nat, you hear that. I'm still going after you.


"What did you want?" I asked my mum when I finally went downstairs.

"It took you long enough, young man," she scolded as she looked at me from the proverbial eyes in the back of her head.

"I needed to get up," I fought back.

"Young man, I'm not here to talk to you about how you got up. I'm talking to you about the insane amount of wreckage you've done to my credit card!"

My blood turned cold. After Nat dumped me, I'd spent tons getting wasted and buying her gifts and stuff. I never really thought about how much I was using as long as I got to try and get Nat back.

As Blair would say: oh shit.

"You see..urm...I-"

"I see nothing, Anthony! What in heavens name did you use all that money for?"


"Almost seventy nine thousand dollars, Anthony! What in the hell happens to your own personal card!"

I looked towards the door of the kitchen and it seemed like she followed my gaze before speaking again.

"You, young man, are not going anywhere, not even the bathroom, until you explain how you spent so much," she spat.

How do I say this without embarrassing myself even further?

"Do you want me to tell her or do you want to get a beating?" My dad asked from the doorway.

"Nat," I mumbled.

"What?" My mother said as she looked at me, dumbfounded.

"I used it on Nat," I clarified.

"Did you two not break up after your miraculous little stunt?" She pointed out, not even bothering to mask the disgust in her voice. I still haven't got her to forgive me for that.

"Yeah, we did but I'm trying to get her back, mum," I said as I stood up and headed for the stairs.

"Anthony," she breathed out, pity laced in her voice.

"I'm not giving up, mum, I'm in love with her. And if she's going to leave me, I'm going to let her know," I stated as I continued up the stairs.

"She has your stubbornness, Matthew," I heard my mother say as I carried on up the stairs.

"But I still got you either way, Minerva," my dad returned and I smiled a weak smile as I closed the door.

They were in the same position me and Nat are.

And look at where they're at now.

There's hope for us Nat. I coming for you.

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