Aspect of Compassion

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~"Look into your own heart; discover what it is that gives you pain. And then refuse, under any circumstance whatsoever, to inflict that pain on anyone else."~

The screen went black, signalling the end of yet another episode. You robotically clicked 'next episode' of (favorite show) and waited for it load. Sighing to yourself, you picked up your cell phone and saw that it was 2 a.m., and he still wasn't home. Your husband of a year had called you earlier and told you he would be home late, but you didn't realize it would be this late. No need to worry, you had faith in your husband to return home, safely, then hold you as you fell asleep.
The lockscreen picture on your phone suddenly caught your attention, and you found yourself admiring it. It was your hot-headed husband, who's tanned face was bright red, blue hair that was slightly messy, and light blue eyes that were looking to the side. The photo was taken on his last birthday where you had gone all out, decorated his whole house, and surprised him with his favorite meal and cake. You expected him to be shocked when he walked in, but you had no idea that he would react that bashfully. After all it was the first time someone had ever done something like that for him. It really was a once-in-a-lifetime expression that you managed to take a picture of. He tried many times to force you to delete it off your phone, but you refused and set it as your lockscreen so you saw it everyday.
Even though your husband was known for his bad temper and harsh actions, he really was a gentle, sweet man, but you were the only one who knew that. When you two first met he was far from kind, you were completely in love with him, and he wanted nothing to do with you. He saw you as a nuisance, but you wedged your way into his life as you showered him with sweet words and compassion. So now he was just as in love with as you were with him, possibly even more. Honestly you would do anything for him, even if that was giving him a shoulder to cry on, lending an ear, or bearing his pain.
You refused to witness him in as much pain as he had been in the past, you swore to yourself that you would take care of him and make sure he doesn't fall down the wrong path. And in return he gave you security, he always held you close and whispered sweet nothings in your ear, he always made you feel like the only girl in the world.
The screen went black once again as another episode went by. You bit at your lip nervously, please be home soon. I don't like it when you work late. You thought as the next episode started...

He was pissed. So very pissed. He hated how his boss kept him, and him only, behind to do a few more things. He drove down the dark, empty streets recklessly, as he thought of only you. More importantly he was angry at himself for being later than normal. You were compassionate and caring, so he always feared that you would realize how terrible he was and run away for someone else. So in that case he promised he would never mess up, he would overcome his flaws for you. I will get home and hold (name) closely until she falls asleep. His goal was to get to you so he was not paying attention to the red light that was ahead of him. A truck rammed into the side of his car, and almost tipped it over. Growling under his breath he threw the car door open to approach the other driver, who had yet to step out of his car.
"You gotta be fucking with me." He muttered as he waited impatiently for the man to step out. And when the man had yet to get out, he angrily went up to the truck and opened it. "What the hell are-." His outburst was cut off as he notice the contents inside the truck, the passenger side was covered in bags of money. His eyes widen as he looked up to see a gun pointed right at him. Before he could say anything else, the shot was fired, the bullet piercing right through his stomach, shattering his vertebrae.
He fell to the ground and the man quickly drove off. A trail of blood ran from the corner of his mouth as his vision darkened. This couldn't be it, he had to see you once more. Rage consume him in those final moments, he broke his promise. He wasn't suppose to mess up, and this was screwing up to the fullest extent. He couldn't leave you behind! (Name) I will always be with you. I love you so much. That being his final thought as his eyes slowly closed and he laid there motionless.

Grimmjow x Reader: The Aspect of CompassionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora