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The next morning was different that the other ones. Normally I would wake up to the sound of birds frolicking up above in the tall trees and the water flowing between the tall grass. But this time I was woken by a hand shaking my shoulder. My eyelids fluttered open and a blurry figure with bright blue eyes like the Tenerife Sea, stood above me. I wiped my eyes and the figures appearances became clearer.

The boy had a snapback that held back chestnut brown hair that seemed to favor the right side. Judging by his height, he seemed to be around my age. Maybe a little older. He offered out his hand and I placed mine in his and he helped me up. I walked a few steps back because I was taught to fear strangers, but there was something about this boy that made him seem harmless. Almost like he wasn't a stranger at all. You could tell by his warm smile.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I returned his smile, "Avery." My voice was hoarse from crying the night before.

"I'm Kaiden. How old are you Avery?" His smile seemed to fade a little when a look close to worry dominated his smile.


The worry took over completely. "Where are your parents?"

I shrugged. He asked too many questions.

He bit down on his lower lip and his soft eyes looked into mine. "Avery. I need to ask, why aren't you with your parents? A young girl like you shouldn't be alone out here."

After I told him what had happened back at my house, he told me that he would take me back but I explained to him that I can't go back there. Ever. He understood and told me how his mother helps children like me and that he was going to bring me back with him so I can tell her what happened. Before we left, Kaiden called his mom, informing her of my arrival.

We walked to his house around the block and on the way, I told him that this wasn't the first time I've ran away. As I was talking to him, he would look down at the marks on my arm. He asked me about them.

"My dad would hit me a lot and mommy would too. If I didn't listen to them or if they had a bad day at work or if they got into fights."

I pulled down my sleeves before he could ask about anything else. He looked down into my eyes and his eyes looked glassy from the water building up.

When we approached his house, his mother was waiting outside for her son. She was beautiful. She had the same eyes as her son and dark brown fell around her cheeks in a pixie cut. She looked as if she came out of one of my fairy tale books back at home. Kaiden stepped into the house, giving her a small peck on the cheek as he passed her. I followed him. I felt welcomed the moment I stepped in. The smell of cinnamon wafted under my nose and warmth flooded over me. I looked around, taking in the unfamiliar surrounding. Family photos lined the walls along with little wall decorations. I smiled to myself then felt my stomach quiver.

Kaiden must have heard the growl when he chuckled, "you hungry?"

I nodded. He smiled and led me into the large kitchen.

Gosh this house was big. I took a seat on one of the bar stools while Kaiden walked over to the pantry. He pulled out peanut butter and bread and I smiled because peanut butter sandwiches are my absolute favorite. His mother took a seat on the empty bar stool next to me.

"I'm Stephanie. What's your name sweetheart?"

As I told her my name and that I was 5, Kaiden slid a paper plate in front of me and walked next to Stephanie. "Thank you." I smiled at him then took a bite.

He returned the smile then put his focus back on his mom with a serious look. "I need to talk to you." She nodded and followed Kaiden into the other room, leaving me alone with my sandwich.

After the last crumb was consumed, Kaiden and his mom returned to the kitchen. Kaiden came and sat beside me and his mom stood in front of us.

"Avery, I called my boss and we both agreed to put you in the foster care system. Your home isn't safe for you and we," she gestured between her and Colby, "don't want anything to happen to you."

Without saying a single word, I hopped of the stool and squeezed her. Her hugs were warm and comforting,

"I'm going to take you back to your house so you can get a few of your belongings. You will be staying with Kaiden and me till the Social Workers have your file ready. This will take a couple of months so you will be staying here till then."

My heart froze, imagining going back to that place, but I nodded in agreement and thanked her.

The three of us walked to the garage and when Mrs. Briant turned the light on, a breathtaking charcoal grey Mercedes Benz was put on display. Before my uncle passed away, he would take me to the annual car meets they had in Arizona. That's what made me so fascinated and well educated on cars. I gasped at its beauty and Kaiden stood next to me, "beauty isn't it? One day it will be mine." I looked up at him gazing at the car. "Kaiden, Avery. It's time to go. You ready Avery?" I nodded and thought to myself, 'as ready as I'll ever be.'

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