“But Peter” she whined “You’re always in the mood, what’s gotten into you lately”

“I don’t wanna talk about it”

“Is it that bitch Adelina? You like her don’t you?” she questioned. I growled involuntarily. No one calls my mate a bitch.

But you did once. My wolf inputted.

Shut up.  

“Rosie you’re behaving like a child”

“I should’ve known you’d fall for her, that’s why you’re letting her stay this long.”

“I’m not falling for anyone Rosie; I just got a lot on my mind”

“It’s seems you got a lot on your mind lately, you’re always out of it, you never want to sleep with me anymore, all you do is stay in your office. What going on Peter, don’t you love me anymore?”

“I don’t know what the fuck is going on Rosie. If I did I would’ve let you know. Can you just shut the fuck up now; you’re giving me a migraine” I fumed.

“You know what Peter I’m going to stay with Seth until you calm down and come to your senses. When you’re ready to talk you’ll come find me” she said before walking out the door. I fought with the urge to fist pump and say ‘don’t let the door hit you on the way out’

I made myself dinner and relaxed in the living room. Gosh this house is quiet, maybe I should spend some quality time with me wolf.

Hell no!

Maybe I shouldn’t have argued with Rosie. I’m bored. Just then I heard Adelina and Darren return from their date. I sat and listen attentively to their conversation.

“I had a really great time, thank you for making me feel better” she said, sincerely. Was she feeling depressed? Why did she need cheering up?

“I had fun too” Darren replied

“Well good night”

“Good night baby doll” Darren said before I heard him walking away. Did he just call her baby doll? Breathe Peter, you’re probably just overreacting. Although you have no reason to be, you’re the one who pushed her away. She entered the house quietly, and I couldn’t remove my eyes from her body. Sure I had the house in complete darkness but thanks to my werewolf vision, I could’ve identified every curve in her body.

“Had fun?” I asked in the darkness. She flicked on the lights, and jumped ten feet in the air.

“Gosh you scared the bejeezus out of me” she exclaimed

“Sorry” I apologized “so how was your date?” I asked again, raking my eyes over her body, memorizing every feature. My eyes however lingered on her legs and her lips. How I would give anything to feel her lips against mine, to let my tongue explore her mouth.

Peter, Peter, Peter you dirty dog. My wolf chastised

In my defense she looks smokin’ I said.

“It was fun, Darren’s really a great guy” she smiled. I’ve never been jealous of anyone in my life, but at this point I’m jealous of Darren.

“I know” I said, getting off the couch and walking toward her.

“So how was your night?” she asked taking a step back, when she realized how close I was.

I stepped forward “Uneventful” I said taking another step when she steps back. This continues until her back hits the wall and I’m pressed up against her. I navigate my hands to her waist loving the way my hands feel against her. I bring my lips down to hers leaving a few centimeters apart.

“What are you doing?” she asked her voice timid.

“Do you like him?” I asked, completely ignoring her question.

“W- who?” she asked sounding more nervous.

“Darren?” I asked, kissing the corner of her mouth. I moaned in the back of my throat, loving the way her skin feels against my lips. “Do you?” I questioned against, dragging my lips across her jaw.

“Um..” she moaned loudly when I kissed the spot below her ear

“Do you?” I asked again, sucking the spot below her ear.

“As a friend” she said softly

“Good” was all I said before crashing my lips to hers.


Well here's another Chapter. I honestly didn't enjoy this one, wasn't into it. well I hope that you guys at least enjoyed. next chapter will be longer, I promise. Also thank you to all those who voted in the previous chapters, and also to all the new fans.

Don't forget to vote/comment.

Love Alwayzzz


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