Looking Forward (A Harry Potter Fan Fic)

Start from the beginning

We landed in a church. A man in a tuxedo with black hair, just like mine, and glasses was standing at the altar. We were at a wedding.

The music started and the doors behind us opened, the man turned around. I gasped, the man was me! A beautiful auburn haired girl walked up the aisle in her flowing gown, her veil was so opaque I couldn’t see through it to see her face. The pastor started the ceremony, “We are here today to announce the holy matrimony of James Potter and Lily Evans.” Lily looked at me and I looked at her. I married Lily! My head was rejoicing gleefully. Lily looked like she would throw up. The fog swirled and the scene changed. Lily, looking more grown up now, and I were facing a nose-less creep.

“We will never give into you, Voldemort!” Lily shouted. Sirius, Snape, and Peter all gasped, thinking that those words would be Lily’s last. Lord Voldemort was a feared dark wizard.

“Noble last words for a mudblood. You could have joined me.” Voldemort sneered. “AVADA KEDAVRA!” The now Lily looked down, thinking that she would be dead. I, the older me, had shoved the older Lily aside to block her from the curse. Neither of us was hit.

“This is the third time you two have defied me! I will destroy you! AVA-“ Voldemort screamed but Lily and I were DisApparating. “NO!!!!!!!!!” Once again the fog swirled, but now we weren’t in a scene but in the fog.

“Now as you saw, James you and Lily get married. Both of you continued to defile the Dark Lord. 3 times you did. You began to settle down in Godric’s Hollow, my old home too.” Dumbledore said.

“Wow, Lily…now I see why you were put in Gryffindor.” Sirius said approvingly. Snape gave a grunt of disgust. The fog cleared and we were sitting in a home, an older Remus, Sirius, and Peter were sitting with us. Lily was obviously pregnant.

“We think that Voldemort is going to hunt us down. Dumbledore told us we should get a secret-keeper for our house.  Sirius, we want you to be our secret-keeper.” Lily said smiling at the end.

“I can’t…Voldemort would come to me first and either torture the location out of me or kill me to break the enchantment. I’m the obvious choice.” Sirius said, though he looked touched. “How about Peter? Voldemort would never think that we would choose a weak talentless person like him…no offense.”

“None taken…I’d be honored to be your secret-keeper Lily.” Peter smiled.

Then I, the later me of course, said, “Peter, you have no idea how much this means to both of us. We know you’ll do your best to protect Lily, me, and our soon-to-be born child.” My voice was deeper than I expected. Sirius gave me an encouraging look.

“Now, where do I come in…I’m getting bored.” Snape sneered.

“One moment.” Dumbledore said. The later Lily gave a gasp, and everyone looked at her.

“I felt him kick…here James.” Lily said, tears swimming in her eyes. She put the later me’s hand on her stomach. I smiled. The fog swirled, we were in a dark room.

“Tell me Wormtail…where are the Potters?” A cold, dark voice came out from the darkness.

“tttheey live at Number 12, Price Street, Godrics Hollow…my lord.” Peter’s voice came stuttering.

“YOU NO GOOD LITTLE TRAITOR!” said the present Sirius launching himself at Peter. Dumbledore stopped him.l

The fog swirled and we landed back in the room but the surroundings were different. I was lying on the couch and Lily was in a nursery.

“That is your son, Harry James Potter.” Dumbledore said, pointing to the baby. I smiled and Lily did too. I heard a door swing open. The later James yelled, "Lily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run! I’ll hold him off!" and leaped up. A flash of green light later and I was dead.

“Oh my God…What the hell!” I screamed. “I-I-I’m dead!”

“Shhh…” Dumbledore said.

“Stand aside! STAND ASIDE GIRL! You do not need to die.” Voldemort’s cruel and cold voice came from the nursery. I heard Lily cringe beside me. But the green flash came, I heard Lily’s scream, “HARRY!” Another green light, but this time I heard Voldemort’s screams.  The fog swirled again.

“So thusly, Lily and James Potter are dead. Now we follow the exploits of their son. Harry James Potter, the only known person to survive the killing curse. I’ll give you an overview of what happened in the time leading up to Harry’s school days. Sirius, you have been convicted of murdering 12 people and are in Azkaban, on false charges of course. Remus, you’ve been hiding underground to hide your condition.  Severus, you join my teaching staff after being a Death Eater for a few years,” We all shot looks at Snape, “Peter, you go into hiding as a pet rat named Scabbers as you are believed to be killed by Sirius. Now, before we move on, I’d like to explain, and show you, who the Marauders’ modern day counterpart is.  Meet Fred and George Weasley, the twin sons of Arthur and Molly Weasley, born on April 1.” The fog twirled. We were sitting in Filch’s office. Two identical redheaded boys were shuffling through Filch’s things.

“Dude, what’s Filch doing with a blank piece of parchment? Oh, there’s a note with it. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin. Tap. To close, Mischief Managed. Let’s try it Georgie!” One boy said.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” Both boys said in unison while tapping their wands against the parchment. The paper that Sirius, Lupin, Peter and I all designed (mainly Lupin) came to life.

“Wicked. Fred, this is a map of Hogwarts! It’s showing all the people in it! Awesome!” The one who must be George said.

“God! Filch is coming. Lets go!” Fred said, smiling. The fog twisted and twirled again.

“Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley caused more than enough trouble with that one piece of paper than you could ever imagine.” Dumbledore said, smiling. “Now we come to Harry James Potter. He had been living in a cupboard under some stairs at your sister Petunia’s house, Lily. The Dursley’s treated him horribly and told him you died in a car crash. Harry forever had a lightning shaped scar from Voldemort’s curse. Any questions?”

“Yes, can we comment during the flash…forwards? And also, WHY AM I IN AZKABAN!” Sirius was steaming mad.

Dumbledore smiled, “Yes, you can comment. You are in Azkaban because of Peter here. The night after Lily and James died you confronted Peter, knowing that only he knew where the Potters lived. When you were talking to him, Peter got scared, blew up the street, killing 12 muggles. And transformed.You being the only wizard on the street were convicted of Killng the muggles. Now, if we have any more questions...no? Ok let us move on!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2011 ⏰

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