Christmas Cookies

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I finsh wrapping up the last present, that's what I get for putting this gift giving off for the last possible second. The kids were fast asleep upstairs. Peeta was sitting on the couch, watching me. I bent over to put Willow's gift under the tree.

"Fine looking ass Katniss." Peeta says. I straighten up and I turn, to look at my husband. "Excuse me?" I ask.  Peeta smiles as he took a bite from one of the cookies Rye and Willow set out for Santa. 

"Mister, those are for Santa," I say.  Placing my hands on my hips. Peeta sruggs. "Ho, ho, ho, ho," He says lightly.  I laugh, but I quickly cover my mouth, what if the kids were awake? I think. 

I uncup my hand from my mouth and look over to see Peeta only smirking at me, "What?" I ask. 

"Katniss, We have to be quite, " He whispers, where is this going?  It's always going somewhere. 

"Let's have some Christmas Eve, sex" He says.  I  couldn't help but smile, 


"Oh, Peeta!" I whisper, as we're underneath the table, we're both naked and he kept trusting into me, even though I have already let my organism be free, and fall on his thighs.  I reach up and grip the red cloth, 

"Peeta..."  I whisper, and I yank on the cloth, but them I hear the plate of cookies smash to the ground, making us both jump Peeta's back hits the table. Causing it to tip over.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"  He curses. The red cloth covers us, only leaving our heads viable, and arms and legs.  "You don't think they..." I whisper. But Peeta tugs me behind our couch, it's quite for a moment then I heard a cat meow, and little feet on the floor. "Santa?" It was Willow, 

"Oh, Santa left a big mess," Rye says.

"Uh-huh, Santa so fat he stepped on our cookies," Willow pouts,  "I'm, tired, I'm going back to bed, Come on Buttercup, let's go Rye." She says. 

Peeta and I wait for a moment, and we hear them go upstairs, I hear Willow yell across the room.

"Mommy! Daddy! We didn't just go downstairs! That was the CAT!" 

I started laughing as Peeta helps me up from behind the couch. "What?" He asks as I wrap the red cloth around my shoulders and around his waist as we both make our way upstairs. 

"That was a disaster," I whisper. Peeta tosses an arm around me and I open the door to our bedroom.

"Just wait until next year," He says.  

I laugh again, because it is true, another disaster will happen, but that's what makes it fun. Then I shut the door.

The End.


Christmas Cookies (Everlark) One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now