the reason

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my alarm clock went off at the same time as usual,5 fucking 30. i slugged out of bed wanting nothing but hit the snooze button and took a shower. i got out of the shower and dried my makeshift dread that shae,my friend, did for me. after i got my clothes on i went on my normal trip around the neighborhood to pick up my friends for school. on my way out the door i grabbed some lime green and purple spray paint and my phone. by the time i got everyone we still had about an hour and a half left before school started so we went down to the blank billboard and all left our signatures.
mine is "Taylor" in purple paint inside of lime green paint drips. shae's is a cat in a top hat with an "s" on the front, me and shae are the group besties. we go every where together and do everything together. red's is a slice of pizza, he's the group smartass. lil papa's is a stack of books, he's our group nerd. we call him lil papa because we all think he's gonna be as smart as big papa one day. big papa is the smartest and oldest person in our neighborhood.
1 1/2 hours later
we have all gotten to our classes by now, lil papa has English 4 honors, shae has art, red has math, and i have world geography. i hate this class, the teacher doesn't even teach, he just yells at us. he yells at us for all failing a class that he wont teach us about. my notebook for this class is completely empty because he doesn't give us notes. then after the bell finally rings he yells at us for not leaving fast enough. after i finally manage to sneak out of his classroom i haul my ass to my other classes. and i swear, school gets longer everyday.

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