"Well it's your job so you have to do it........."

     He pause on one piece a paper as I give him a glare of curiosity, not knowing what he is doing. 

    "Uh Reficul, it says here if you go to the world, you won't have to attend meetings...."

I look up as I snatch the paper from his hands. I skim through the words of what it's talking about.

 To the devil, Reficul

"I see you don't really like to attend the meetings so here's something that might help you. Come to the world called 'The Gray Garden' and try to solve any problems and take a check of it. We had news that someone is apparently making a ruckus and it might reaches to us." 

From, You know who 

P.S. It's smarter if you do this.

I seriously didn't know what's going on but this letter says it all, and I know what's up next. Time for me to take on a vacation.


"Rigatona, you look great on that dress!" The theatre teacher proudly approaches to me. "The blue, Cinderella suits you well!"

"Well, I'm not really into dresses-" I mumble as I lift part of my dress so I don't step on the bottom part with my glass slippers. "-and since when I'm playing as Cinderella?"

"Um, since yesterday--have you forgot about it?"

I start to remember now, the incident with me and Ciel messed up my focus on acting as Cinderella. I chose this role to become part of a character Ciel likes, but now she gone into the demon's hand. It's done, our friendship, everything is done and now it's time for me to move on.

"Everyone ready to start the play!" The educator shouts with pride as she finally calms down and shoot into an audience chair. "3,2,1, ACTION!"

I took a deep breath as I stare into the teacher's orb. 


Let me make it clear, I hate demons. After they picked a fight with Kcalb, it's all over. Why are the gods so mean to us? Wait, am I a god? No, that can't be right, I am too young to be a god or a goddess. I need to think it throughly on what I want to do with my life. Ever since I was a hopeless girl, Grora was there for me and now I met two more people that's important, but now what is it? Kcalb is fun to mess with since he always flustered for no apparent reason. Is there more to life than that or not?

   I am in fact, in a middle of class, worrying about Grora and Kcalb and also thinking about my future. Could this get any worse? Maybe not but still, I should be focusing on science. Or else I'll do something wrong.

  "Hey Ethiw, you aren't suppose to do th-" An angel screamed as I suddenly see a smoke that is expanding the room. Crap, I mess it up.

    "Teacher, Teacher, it was Ethiw's fault!"

     "She wasn't paying attention huh?" The teacher said as she starts tilting her head to the right. "Young lady, come over here right now!"

I, as obedient as ever followed her till I reach to the principal's office. She tells me to sit and wait till the principal comes out as she left the room with an angry look plastered on her face. I can feel my body shivering with fear and horror as I patiently wait.

    "Come in Miss...." The principal demands me as I slowly approach to his room."Come'on, don't be scared, just sit in that chair right ove- yea, right there."

I know I am in deep trouble but I had to stare at him. Brown smoothed hair and glasses, this man could've been a business man instead of a principal!

   "So I heard you caused the smoke in the lab right?"He questions as I give a nod. "That's your fault so you gonna have to clean it up okay?" He gives me an evil look as I let out a girly noise that soon made him laugh. 

  "Oh boy, I love seeing kids get scared like that!" He laughs as I look at him with a questioned look. "It's fine, one time I exploded the room instead!"

    "B-But sir, this is my problem and I need to solve it!"

"Nah don't worry, there's time where you just zoned out. I remember those times and boy do I love to see others do it!"

Surely, he dismisses me as he give a pat on my back and gives me a slip. I read the slip as I smirk at it like a real idiot.


"Grora! Help me! Please help!"

"E-Ethiw, is that you?! What happened to you are you okay?"

"T-The guys are bullying me again!!!!"

"It's alright, you have me here. Maybe I should teach you some lessons to protect yourself but it's only for defending!"

"I understand, thank you for being my friend--and thank you for letting them die!!!"

"E-Ethiw, S-Stop making that face."

"Come'on, teach me the moves."

"K-KYAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" My eyes widen as I screamed like a siren. "AAAAAHHHHHH, oh it was a dream......"

I look to see Kcalb next to me, cuddling on the blanket as he snores. 

"Apparently he doesn't hear me scream...."

"Can you shut up so my brother can sleep."

I turn to see Wodahs eating a plate of ochazuki as I let out a yawn.

"Why isn't it the secretary of this school?" I mumble as set foot on the floor. "This time, I am hurt instead of you..."

"Well, we have news......." The angel pauses as his hands clasps together. "The war is coming closer to this generation...."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There's something odd about the bats near this school...." He then eats his meal with the chopsticks he has on his right hand. "I have a feeling in the future, those creatures would ruin this world.....flaming ones."

"Who cares about them, they're weak creatures and it isn't something to worry about. It's time to worry about the festival plan out." I took a seat next to Wodahs. "They're just flaming bats..."

Author's note:

For once I had finish this chapter!!! Well, it makes sense because this week is spring break and I had time to relax and brainstorm some ideas. I am not dead or anything but for some reason, I'm so interested in the 'Wadanohara and The Great blue Sea' because of the fantasy and interesting sort of thing. (Plus Wadanohara and Samekichi.....) Well anyways I will continue this book but it will sometime be on the computer cause it's easier that way. Well have a nice spring break! 

Mogeko:The Gray Garden  (FANFICTION AND IN SCHOOL FORM) DISCONTINUED Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ