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Come downstairs, Ellie. We have a wonderful for you on your birthday. Molly Weasley sounded proud, excited to show the small girl what present the family decided to give the small one as a gift.
The girl, Ellie, rubbed her tear stained eyes and looked at her feet.
What could they give me that would make me feel better? She wondered as she got up, slowly but surely.
It had been three years since her mother died and nothing seemed to be right since then. Even her own father didn't want her. He was going to give her to a local orphanage if it wasn't for the Weasleys. She's been happy here, but the day still held bad memories so she wasn't sure what to expect on this day filled with dread instead of joy.
Happy birthday my dear. Would you like your present or your favorite breakfast first? Molly, the mother hen of the house of ten counting Ellie, asked the birthday girl.
If it's okay.. I'd prefer present first.. Ellie said, scared that Molly will tell her that wasn't an option, that it was a trick question.
The small girl had became terrified of most of the world after what happened when she was five, and she always expected the Weasleys to do something truly nasty to her when she least expected it. It was why she was still so jumpy around the twins when all they want to do is make her smile.
Then your special breakfast my dear. Now your present and the rest of the family are in the living room. Molly spoke, leading Ellie to the living room for her present.
Ellie looked around her, not seeing a box with string or anything. She looked around to see if Molly was holding something. But she also noticed the whole family was covering part of the wall.
What's.. what's going on? Ellie asked, feeling timid all of a sudden.
Well, Ellie, you are pretty much family, so we thought we'd prove it to you that we want you to stay with us for as long as you wish.. as a second daughter.. Molly spoke and everyone moved out of the way.
What Ellie saw next was absolutely stunning. There was the Weasleys crisis clock, telling where every family member was at all times, but there was a tenth spoon on the clock. Ellie stepped closer and saw it was her picture smiling back at her. She turned around with the greatest smile on her face.
Thank you.. I love you all.. I hope I never have to leave you lot anytime soon. Ellie spoke and hugged and kissed every member of the Weasley family, even Percy who was reluntic to let an eight year old kiss him.
Welcome back my friends :) a new and exciting year awaits us :) I can't wait to write more :) love you all so very much :) DFTBA and have a merry Christmas :)

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