"Don't do that! And how the heck am I a chipmunk?" I ask, laughing.

"I don't know, it just came to me," he says, grinning and shrugging. "You're small."

"I know, I am small. Don't remind me," I say. "You're like four inches taller than me. That's not fair."

"At least you're taller than Denise," he says.

"Are you blind? Isn't she like an inch shorter than your height?" I ask, confused.

"No, she isn't," he says. "She wears 5- or 6-inch heels basically all the time."

"How do you notice these things?" I ask, laughing. "I've always thought she wears tall stilettos occasionally, not all the time."

"I notice a lot of tiny things," he tells me. "Like how you always sneak text me in history class. I can see you on your phone because I sit diagonally behind from you. And I also feel my phone vibrating and the texts are always from you."

"Oops, you caught me," I say sarcastically, holding my hands up. "I feel so scared now that someone knows I'm just on my phone the whole class period."

Harry laughs. "I like you," he says, giving me a side hug.

"I like you too, you little dork." I say, smiling, kissing him lightly on his cheek.

- - - - -

I lie on Harry's bed, eating a slice of pizza. We had arrived at Harry's house about an hour ago, and we decided to order some pizza.

"How's your pizza?" I ask Harry as I take another bite of mine.

"It's good," he says. "Why? I normally get this kind."

"I don't know, I'm bored," I reply, getting out of his bed and walking to his desk. I sit in his swivel chair and start spinning around.

"You're going to get dizzy, Calypso," Harry says, watching me from his place on the bed.

"It's okay," I say. "I'll be fine."

"You'll regret it afterwards," he says.

"No I won't," I object.

"Yes you will."

"No I will not," I say, still spinning around.

He sighs, shaking his head and smiling, and gets off of his bed. He walks over to me and stops the chair from spinning any more.

"Are you regretting it?" Harry asks me as he kneels down to face me.

"I refuse to say," I tell him, smiling and taking another bite of my pizza.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because I don't want to, that's why," I tell him.

"Do you not trust me?" He asks dramatically. "I'm heartbroken, Calypso, heartbroken!" He places his free hand over his heart (the other one is holding his pizza slice).

"I trust you," I tell him. "I just don't trust you with the information of if I'm dizzy or not." I smile, and continue to spin on the chair. Harry gets up from his position. He stops me from spinning again.

"You're going to get dizzy again, Calypso!" He says, chuckling.

"But I said I wasn't dizzy," I protest.

"I know you were, though," he says. He finishes up his pizza slice.

"I'm such a slow eater. Stop eating so fast, Harry," I say, changing the subject.

He rolls his eyes, smiling to himself. "Poor you," he says sarcastically, smiling.

I scoff, putting a hand over my heart dramatically. "How rude of you Harry!" I exclaim. "I shall take the pizza and bestow it upon your sister!"

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