Chapter 1 - The Dreaded Reaping

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As I wake up I can feel my bones shaking with fear. "Today is the reaping day, I hope I don't get picked."

Then my mom says,"Mavis wake up! The reaping starts at 9:00!"

I quickly get out of bed, and slip on my blue dress, and pink and yellow tights. "These tights are soo itchy!" I think as the scratchy surface rubs against my legs." But I couldn't change, 'cause it was 9:00.

As I make my way to district 13's Towne center, I go over to the girls section after they stick a needle in me.

"Hello! Everyone and welcome to the 76 Hunger Games. A lady says, "My name is Helen Backer! But you can call me Helen!" I hear applause in the audience but I stay still.

"Shall we do girls?" I shiver at the thought of getting picked. Then Helen walks down burgundy stairs and picks a piece of paper out of hundreds in a pile, (We have a lot of girls in district 13)

"The girl who is representing district 13 in this Hunger Games is......"


As the needle sinks into my skin I start to cry at the thought of getting picked. "Boy stop crying! Man up!" A guard says to me.

So I slowly make my way where the boys are. I blanked out when the girls were picked so I don't know who is representing us.

"Shall we do the boys?" Helen says with a smile. I'm getting NERVOUS now. "The boy representing district 13 is....." I space out.

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