Episode 2: A scene from Never Just Friends, by Mina V. Esguerra

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Featuring Gio Gahol as Jake, and Rachel Coates as Lindsay.

Book description:

It's too easy to fall in love with Jake. Don't do it.

Lindsay and Jake have loved each other (as friends) since their senior year in college, and she made sure they didn't become more than that. The guy now known as Jacob Berkeley, star of a wildly successful TV show, was always too much for her. Too handsome, too many questionable hookups, too restless. Also sensitive, fun, and genuinely caring. She's his emergency contact, his "zombie apocalypse buddy," his holiday dinner companion.

They've kept up this low-maintenance friendship for years, surviving graduation, their new careers, her move to New York City to work as an environment consultant. But then, days before a big climate change conference, he shows up, with big news. Jake wants to pick up what he never managed to finish in college. He wants to save forests again, work in environmental research - and he wants her.

Don't fall in love with Jake...Why again?

Get the ebook on Amazon [Click on EXTERNAL LINK/BUY ON AMAZON]

Order the print edition: bit.ly/mvebooks

=== Show Notes ===

So episode 2 of our podcast? Is an excerpt from one of my books. Never Just Friends is available in Philippine bookstores via an Anvil Spark Books edition. It's on Amazon right now under Flirt Publishing, released under the title Fallen Again. (But it's the same book.)

I chose this book and excerpt because...well, to be frank, I wanted Gio to read more. I briefly entertained the thought of having Gio Gahol and Rachel Coates read from my new book, which I knew would be out by the time the podcast went live. But one of the tricky things we discovered when we produced this was that as a community, we "romance in English" authors don't write a lot of male POV. And I wanted Gio to, throughout the season, read as much as Rachel did, or close to it. So since I wrote some male POV I knew I'd probably need to use my own books to balance out the rest.

Not that this was a bad choice, no no no. I love Never Just Friends the book, and I love the Jake and Lindsay characters, for a very personal reason. I modeled their careers after the ones I had, or could have had. In fact I hold them both too close that it was a special kind of torture hearing Gio and Rachel perform them, my Jake and my Lindsay, for the first time.

This scene has Jake confessing his feelings to Lindsay, but don't worry about spoilers; this is actually an early chapter. Gio read Jake a bit differently from what I had in mind when I was writing him, but I didn't go and make him change anything. So I experienced Jake's thoughts filtered through someone else and...well it was exciting. Slightly embarrassing. And kind of hot. It's hard to explain. Rachel meanwhile is note-perfect as Lindsay, and her line delivery right after the kiss is just...perfect.

Go to minavesguerra.com to join the giveaway. :)

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