Chapter 1 -third person-

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"Aly get your little ass over here or your going to be sorry!" Yelled a drunken Tomas Flinch from his regular table in Aly's section.
Aly slowly walked over to the table in the corner and poured another streaming cup of coffee in the mans cracked mug. She added 3 scoops of sugar and stirred the brew with the butt end of a butter knife as she has done everyday for the past 10 years since she started working at the little diner.
"For a man so bitter you sure do like your coffee sweet Mr. Flinch." Aly said smiling
"That i do, thanks love." Replied Thomas blushing a little
"Geez Aly how in the hell do you manage to make old man flinch smile everyday" Joey laughed from behind the counter
"He's a softy Joe, he's just gotta warm up to you a little" Aly said
Aly looked back at the man in his corner pouring 2 mint Baileys into the mug and licking his lips.
"Since when is it byob at the diner" Joey asked
"Everyday's bring your own Baileys for Thomas" Aly said
Aly walked behind the counter to prep for the morning bus that was about to arrive. She knew the customers would have about 15 mins before their next bus would arrive to drive them out of the dusty old town. Unlike the travelers moving from place to place, Aly hadn't left the town since she moved her with her mom when she was 7 years old. Since then her mom had been diagnosed with cancer and Aly used the job to take care of the bills at home. Since she started working here at 15, the diner became her home away from home. She enjoyed the people and envied them for the way they came and went. Aly never expected much from the customers, a smile was enough to make her day, and she enjoyed old man Flinch's flirts everyday. She looked down for a second to wipe the crumbs from the scratched stainless counter top. She brushed an auburn ringlet behind her ear with a finger as it impaired her view. Then she heard a loud crash outside the cafe the sound of thunder and the rain began. The diner's owner June ran in from the front door rain smudging her pasty makeup.
"Get the pails Aly, June yelled from the door, "looks like the waters coming back through the cracks in the ceiling again."
"Yes ma'am. Aly said running to the back.
When Aly returned a crowd of people filled the tiny diner, rain dripping from frowned faces and the smell of musky old carpet quickly filling the tiny diner. Just then a loud whistle rang out.
"Sorry folks but there has been a large mechanical issue with the bus that is set to arrive her. It broke down in a town and unfortunately the weather conditions are just to bad for it to continue on. But have no fear the next bus will be here when the weather clears up." Said the bus driver
People cursed at the driver and yelled at the rain. Aly franticly poured coffee and passed out pastries. The crowd seemed to settle as their stomached filled. And the diner became quiet. The bell dinged from the front door of the diner and man entered  removing his camouflage hat, and he took a seat at corner booth.
Aly spotted the man the minute he walked in he was tall and built and his uniform made him stick out through the dull crowd.
Aly hadn't met the man yet but she suddenly knew there was something special about him. She hid her blushes under a confident smile and walked over to the booth where the man sat twisting a straw around his finger.
"Hello," Aly said smiling "could i interest you in a cup of steaming joe?"
The man looked up into Aly's eyes they sparkled the color of fresh pine.
The man nodded.
Aly carefully set the mug in front of the man and began to pour the coffee his eyes clouded her thoughts and she began to lose track of what she was doing. The coffee overflowed from the mug and dropped on the counter. Aly continued pouring.
"Excuse me miss, i don't mean to tell you how to do your job but that's a lot of coffee for such a small mug don't you think."
Aly looked up to the sound of the mans voice is was deep and kind. She looked down and realized her mistake.
"Oh my," Aly said., "i am terribly sorry.," Aly said cleaning up the mess. "How can i make it up to you."
The man thought a moment.
"Would you mind sitting down for awhile, I'm feeling a little low."
"I'm off in an hour and i know where we can go." Aly replied.
Aly worked the rest of her shift keeping an eye on the man in the corner booth and filling up his cup when it got low. Meanwhile the rain continued to beat down upon the tiny town.
Aly's shift ended and she clocked out. She payed the tab of the corner booth man and took off her apron.
She returned to the man and told him that she was finished. He exited the booth towering over Aly and she read the name sewn a crossed his uniform. Davis.
"Hope you don't mind a little rain." Aly told the stranger as she exited the diner.
"Not if your in it with me." He replied.
Aly blushed a crimson red.
The two walked a few blocks in silence until Aly turned to the man.
"Aly" she said.
"Excuse me?" The man said looking back at Aly.
"Aly," she said again, "i mean my names Aly."
"Ashton" the man said, "Ashton Davis, but i go by Davis."
"Good to meet you." Aly smiled
"You as well." Davis said
"We're almost at the peer," Aly said
Davis nodded
The two walked to the peer and a small smile shown a crossed Davis' face.
Aly looked up at Davis, she was mesmerized by his eyes.
Just then she knew why she had stayed here all these years,
Two words...
And soon these would be the only words that crossed her mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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