Brooke 2.)

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Brooklyn gripped onto the steering wheel with her right hand and slammed her foot down on the gas making the car speed foward as sirens when off behind her.

She'd almost made it to the Graveyard, if it even existed, without a juvey cop bothering her for almost the entire day! Obviously her luck was expired. If she stayed in the town closest to her destination more would gather and she'd probably be at the nearest harvest camp before sunset. So her only option seemed to be to drive to the Graveyard with a juvey cop behind her until he'd lost her so that he wouldn't find the safe haven full of unwinds.

Possible? Not as she'd thought. Turns out that cop could do more than eat a donut in the parking lot of a Walmart and loosing a police in the dessert is harder than she thought.

Brooke ended up circling around the outskirts of the possible Graveyard not knowing where else to go. She'd probably be lost in the heat if she drove away and if she got too close the juvey cop would discover all of the unwinds. So she continuously circled until she became dizzy.

There had to be another way out of this. Anything! She fidgeted around the car, searching desprately for a way out of the situation until she found out there was a gallon of gas in the trunk and matches in the front. Perfect!! Good thing she'd stolen this car instead of the mini van.

Brooklyn centered herself in front of the other vehicle and pressed the breaks so hard she couldn't feel her foot. The cars hit and her body was pushed foward just as an airbag caught her. Within seconds she grasped onto the matches and climbed out of her seat. She rushed to the back hoping the wreak had distracted the driver and opened the trunk with herself right in perfect position to be shot by a tranq gun. "Please don't shoot. Please don't. Please don't tranq me." She whispered beneath her breath and grabbed the gallon, moving just in time as a tranq whizzed past her right arm.

Brooke panted softly and climbed back inside of the jeep, driving away with the doors wide open. She made a single loop around the Graveyard once more but this time dropped gasoline on the ground as she did. Once completed she lit the match and dropped it onto the beginning of the long line, watching flames erupt around her. She then drove across the line now hidden from the police and didn't look back. At least not now.

Eventually she saw gates and sighed in relief. "Thank God, it exist!!" She cheered to herself, stopping the car at sight of two guards at the entrance. She hopped out of the stolen vehicle, nearly falling from an all of the sudden exhaustion. "Is this the-" She was cut off by a voice saying. "Open it already!!" From inside.

Only now did she look back. The flames had died since there was nothing to burn besides the dirt but something else caught her eye. The juvey cops car was completely toast and the man inside was missing. He couldn't have ran, it was too far and she would still see him. No...he must have died.

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