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My eyes snap open.
Oh my gosh.
The hottest guy I have ever seen in my life is standing over me. He has dark hair and blue eyes.
I hope I'm not drooling.
"You're awake, I'm Alec Blú. What's your name?" Hot guy says.
"Ughghnngh, I'm Harpie.. I mean Harper." My cheeks are on fire. I hate word stumbling.
"Nice to meet you Harper." Alec smirks as he holds out his hand to me.
Suddenly I am mad at this hot guy. "Hold the phone, set it on the table and back up. Where am I? And who are you?"
"Harper I already told you who I was, where are we? Well, my friend we are on our way to The Academy for Useless Super Heroes." Alec smirks.
Useless? I've been called lazy before but this is just plain insulting.
"Excuse me Alec, but I don't fancy being called Useless." I stand up ignoring his help. Alec bursts out laughing.
"Dude, you don't get it do you?"
"No, I do not." I say sticking my tongue out at him.
"Mkay, Imma make this as simple as possible, the reason that we are on this ship is because we all have extremely stupid and useless super powers. I for example can turn myself to stone and back again. Useless. We are being taken to a special school for people like us with useless powers and the adults try and teach us to use our powers usefully." He takes a deep breath after he says this and take in the information.
Why am I here?
"So Harper, what's your useless power?" Alec asks me.
I think. What is my useless power? My period seeming to have a mind of its own? Not liking nature walks?
Ahaha! I remember now.
"Alec don't laugh," I say carefully leaning against the ship wall,"I have 29 second super strength." I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for him to laugh. He doesn't. Did he leave?
I open my eyes.
"Harper that's awesome! It's a lot better than being able to turn to stone. Apparently there's someone on board right now that can see farts! How cool is that?!" He laughs, but not at me.
I smile. "That's hilarious." I say laughing slightly.
A girl walks up to us.
"Hi, I'm Aspen. I can turn into a tree." She smiles and puts out her hand.
"Hi Aspen, I'm Alec. I can turn into stone." Alec takes her hand and shakes it.
She turns to me.
"Hey I'm Harper Patrick and I have 29 second super strength." I say shyly shaking her warm hand.
Her eyes are as big as golf balls.
"Holy crap, that's awesome!" She says. "Beats being a tree any day!"
The three of us laugh for a bit.
"Hey Aspen do you know where the guy that can see farts is?" Alec asks.
"Yeah, I believe he's somewhere down there." She points from the direction she came from.
"I can take you guys to see him. He's kinda weird though." Aspen lowers her point.
"Yeah sure." I agree and Alec nods his head.
We're off to see fart kid.
Never thought I'd think that and actually be carrying it out.

(Thank you so much for reading! I dunno when I'll put out next chapter. Stay tuned to meet fart kid! Lol. XD)

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