“Sally.” Why did he have to say her name out loud every time she came to mind? “Where is she?” He wondered aloud. He thought again about the obscure letter he’d received from her. He’d received one just the day before telling him about her journey and how much she was enjoying visiting with Corinne. She spoke of the short day trip they were going to take into Colorado Springs and how she hoped she’d get to meet Matthew Richards’s parents. Then she went on to say that he meant so much to her; more than Matthew ever had because he’d treated her the way she was meant to be treated. She stated she was anxious to back in Erie, and his arms. 

“Buddy!” Will came to the stable in an obvious hurry. He motioned for Buddy to meet him outside.

“What can I do for you, Sheriff?” He asked in a matter of fact tone.

“You have a telegram. I tell ya, I love this newfound communication.” He handed the telegram to Buddy and walked back to the jail.

Buddy was almost afraid to read it. He couldn’t open it, but he had to. “What if?” He pondered in the open to no one in particular. “I have to know.” Ripping the envelope Oliver had so kindly sealed for privacy.

Ryne Wilkinson. Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Sally may be in Denver. Stop. New ally helping. Stop. Denver train station Friday evening. Stop.

Never one to show much emotion, except to his wife, and Sally, Buddy suddenly could not contain tears of relief. He was glad no one was around to witness the sentiment. He quickly dried his face, whispered a prayer of thanks, and ran for the jail.

“Boss! Boss! The message was from Ryne. They think Sally’s in Denver. I’m to meet him at the train station Friday night.” Buddy, still catching his breath, panted out the message.

“Good, son. Glad to hear it. Do you need back up?”

“If it’s you, I’ll take it! Ryne has certainly proved his mettle, but I don’t think either of us ever thought for a moment we’d be in a similar situation again, much less so soon. Can you take a day or two away?”

“For Miss Sally? You betcha. I can have someone keep things in order here.” Will saw the relief evidenced on the younger man’s face. He didn’t deserve to lose another love. That thought solidified his commitment to helping him in this cause. Hopefully things would work out and settle down soon. Will was suddenly feeling his age.


Sally and Juliette crept back into the house before they were missed.

Or so they thought.

Henry the butler stood inside the back door, a wry grin on his face. “And where were you ladies off too? I should go up and get Bill right now. Miss Edna would lock you in your room for a week and Juliette? She’d be on the street. Or worse. Now, what should I do with you?” He smiled so sardonically that Sally thought she might vomit.

“Henry, did you forget the secret I am keeping for you?” Juliette laughed. “It seems he has a girlfriend among the ladies who work down at …”

His face turned white, then red. He then changed is visage completely to one trepidation.     “Stop right there. Don’t say another word.” He held his white-gloved hand up in front of him.

Sally put her ‘caught in the act’ look into action, making her blue eyes round and her mouth rounder. In her sweetest voice, Sally began to explain where she went and why.  “Henry, you must know I was brought here against my will. I left Tasty Sweets Saloon in Boulder over six months ago. Now he wants me back and plans to keep me here against my will, take my child, and force me back to work for him. I had to get a letter to my friend to let her know I was safe. Juliette simply made sure I wasn’t,” she looked at him with innocently, “running off. So, she was doing her job.” Sally batted her eye lashes. She knew the tricks of the trade, in every sense, and new how to convince a man to see things her way.

“Very well. I won’t say anything. This time. But, no more funny business. If you’re to remain under Miss Edna’s care, I must insist on you remaining in the home, or at least on the grounds.” Lowering his voice, just in case, he continued. “However, any mail you need sent, just let me know. I have known for some time what they do for a living, and it’s not good. Moreover, the only reason I continue working for Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland is that my family needs the support. Otherwise, I would look for new employment. I promised to keep Juliette safe. She won’t be working for him when she turns sixteen if I can help it. I will vow to you as I did Juliette. You are now under my watchful gaze. No harm will come to you and I will do my best to get you back to where you now call home. Rest assured.”

“How, Henry, do I know if you’re telling me the truth?” Sally asked, once again fluttering her eyes.

“I swear it on my own daughter’s grave. She was killed by a runaway horse at age fourteen. I see Juliette much as I saw my Clarabelle: Young, full of innocence and life, and deserving of a good future. You may have been one of Bill’s ladies, but you seem much different than some of the others I’ve met, and being with child, you should certainly have that good life. That’s how you know you can trust me. Now, get back to work, child. Miss Sally: a mid-morning snack awaits you in the parlor, along with a book. I heard Bill say you loved to read.” Before she could utter her thanks, he proceeded with: “It’s the least I can do.”


Bill and Edna came down shortly after the exchange, none the wiser. Edna proceeded to the kitchen to start the stew for dinner, leaving Bill bored and frisky. He turned his attention to Sally.

“Well, we finally have a moment to catch up, don’t we?” His breath reeked of whiskey.

“In the bottle a bit early, aren’t we, Bill? And what of Edna? Does she approve of you drinking while entertaining her in your bedroom?”

“Edna’s satisfied. And you, my dear? Are you satisfied? I have missed you sorely.”

“No. I’m very dissatisfied. I was forced to come here. And now, I’m forced to be in your company. I am not happy at all. I demand you let me leave.” Bill, now angered and slightly intoxicated, moved so close to Sally that she could feel his hot, rotten breath on her cheek.

“Sally, you’re not leaving. You’re mine. Your child is mine. Your life is mine.” He smirked with one side of his face. “And as soon as I can, I’ll remind you just how much you belong to me. Oh, yes, Edna knows. Just in case you were thinking you could run to her. She’s sees you for what you are: My sex slave.” His scornful laugh told her she was not going to get out of this easily. “We have an understanding. She looks the other way, and I make sure she wants for nothing. Make sure to leave your door unlocked, Sally.” His laughter bellowed throughout the house as he left the room.

Sally knew she had very little time to act. She just didn’t know what to do. Maybe Henry would come to her aid, but what if he left for his home every night? He wouldn’t be there to intervene. Sally jumped up and ran for the powder room where her stomach emptied. Sweat poured from her and she felt weak in the knees. She reached for the call bell, barely pulling the cord before fear took over and she fell to the floor in a faint.

Heart of a Deputy (Heart of Colorado #2)Where stories live. Discover now