Red Coat

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In NYC cars bang their horns impatiently, sitting in the mess of traffic. Fake Santa's ring bells on their street corners. Homeless people beg, rattling their cups in others faces. The few generous drop a dime or a nickel, occasionally the rare quarter. People in pressed black suits, carrying matching briefcases, weave in and out of one another, rushing towards their destination. Bells on shop doors jingle when they open. The fallen snow being squashed under delicate feet. Umbrellas hand in the air, desperately failing to keep the heavy white snow off. Eyelashes blink to get rid of soft snow. Mountains of plowed white goodness pile on the street curbs. Little ones race toward Central Park, ducking under giants in their phones. Busses come to screeching halt to unload, then pulling back into the crowded streets. Police sirens wail in the distance. No one pays attention to the girl in the red coat.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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