Happy storys about me

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one day we went to my aunts house for thanksgiving and had fun and we danced when we were done eating then watched a happy movie then played some bored games and a little football then went inside and watched another movie then went off to bed.

I was waiting to make a friend at school but I didn't know how so I just sat at a bench until I saw this girl come up to me and say hi my name is Ashley what's yours so I said my name is destiny then she said do u want to be friends so I said yes then we were walking to our periods and we had the same 1st period class so we sat next to each other then I made a new friend so I would hangout with her all the time then I made another friend Dakota then Ava then Olivia then Diego then Davina then Leslie Alissa then Celeste Lexany Natalie nikki narnar and a lot of other people then I meet Dezi than Justin and emille and my other friend that's cool too Nathan

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