{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [31]

Start from the beginning

"What about Danny?"

"Is anything going on?"

"What? Don't be stupid Jr."

His jaw clenched. "I'm not the one who's being stupid. He's too old for you Andy."

"Exactly," I said brushing his hand off my arm. "He would never look at me like that so I have no idea why we are having such a stupid conversation."

"Because De's right."

"No she's not!"

"Don't call me a liar!" De yelled pushing her curtain open. "Just because you don't want to tell Jr the truth."

"Why don't we all just settle down and then we can all tell everyone the truth," Matt suggested pushing the curtain to the bunk room open.

We all looked at each other.

"It's nothing Dad, just a misunderstanding," Jr said.

"I think it's more than that," Brian said. "And we've had enough of the secrets from the four of you so either you tell us now or we'll keep you up until you do."

"Isn't sleep deprivation against the law?" Ash asked.

"Nope. Completely acceptable torture for misbehaving teenagers," Johnny said.

"Ash since you seem to be the only one not involved would you like to tell us what's going on?" Matt asked.

"It's like Jr said, a misunderstanding."

"Ash, I'm very disappointed in you," Johnny said.

"De? What's going on?"

"I was just upset because she said I was lying about something that I'm not but it's been cleared up so we are all good here."

"Not good enough," Brian said. "What were you supposedly lying about?"

"Nothing important," De said.

"You wouldn't have gotten so upset if it weren't important," Matt said. "Jr would you like to say anything?"

"It was just a misunderstanding."

"Alright, Andy? No? Nothing? Well then back to De."

"There really isn't anything more, Uncle Matt," Ash said.

"Ash one more lie from you and I'll take your straightener," Johnny threatened.

De looked stricken.

"That's a good idea Johnny," Brian said. "The truth now De or you won't just lose your straightener, I'll take your makeup too."

"She told Jr that I was lying about her crush of Danny, but I wasn't. She just didn't want Jr to get mad at her."

"De!" Ash said.

"Andy, is this true?" Matt asked.

"I...I...." tears started slowly rolling down my face.

"Oh Andy," Matt said.

"The rest of you to bed, now," Danny's voice said from behind Matt. I started to climb into my bunk.

"Not you Andy. We need to talk," Matt said.

"Do we really? I mean it's just a stupid crush," I said wiping the tears angrily and not caring that the stupid makeup was smearing everywhere.

"Let her go Matt," Danny said putting a hand on his arm. "It can wait."

I climbed into my bunk and cried myself to sleep.

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now