Chapter 2

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While in her room, she gets off of her bed in order to retrieve her dog from her cage inside of her room. As she takes her puppy out, she places the puppy onto her bed. Rachel gets back on top of her bed and starts playing with her dog.

"Rachel, Rachel I am in the hallway," Rachel hears in a soft, creepy voice.

Rachel shuts off her television and slowly gets up off of her bed in order to check the hallway. She peers through a small crack that she makes and she see that nothing is in the hallway. She opens the door even wider and there was nothing. Not a trace of where that voice could have come from.

"I am just hearing things", she mutters to herself.

She calls out for her dog, so she can let him outside to use the bathroom. As they both walk down the stairs and into the living room, she notices that the doll had moved. The doll was no longer in the spot that she had placed it in.

After staring at the empty space for a good minute, she just shakes her head thinking that she might just be seeing things. There is no way that the doll could have just came to life and moved on its own.

Upon entering the kitchen, she lets out her dog through the back door and into the gated yard. She walks towards the cupboards in order to grab a glass so she quench her thirst that is starting to build as her mouth goes dry.

On the glass that she grabbed, she felt something stuck to it. She brings down to eye level to see what was on it.

On the glass was a sticky note, with a little note written on it.

Have you checked the hallway? Come and find me if you dare.

"This has to be some sort of elaborate prank that mom is trying to pull," Rachel says out loud trying to reassure herself.

It didn't help the fact that the hairs on her arms stood up when she read the note. She rips off the note and tosses it in the garbage. She fills up her glass with tap water and takes a sip. She sets the glass down and makes her way up to her room.

As she turns the corner, she stops mid step as she realizes what is sitting before her. A set of crystal, blue eyes bores into her pale, green eyes. Once more, chills run down her spine as goosebumps erupt all over her body and the hairs stand up. She was honestly petrified. There was no way, anyone could have brought the doll up two flights of stairs. There was absolutely no way.

The doll has seemed to change. Although when they first bought her, there was an eerie atmosphere that shrouded her porcelain body but now it seems to have something else. Something that Rachel could not put her finger on.

She slowly approaches the doll, being a little too cautious. She quickly picks up the doll and quickly runs back down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"This may seem a little too extreme," she says to herself, "but I need to do this."

She runs over to the sink and places half of the doll's body into the garbage disposal and turns it on. After she lets it run for a good minute or two, she takes the doll out and throws it into the trash. She then proceeds to throw the trash onto the front porch. She quickly runs back into her home and locks the door. She walks back up the stairs, closes the door to her room, and turns on the television once more.


This chapter has also been edited.

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