A Proposition at Hand

Start from the beginning

Maybe be did that because I'm fat as hell or maybe because I'm fat as hell so then he wanted to make me happy with food. Either way, I feel terrible about my glutinous looking self. I picked up my water instead of a falafel.

"He hit me first and benched Andres for no reason."

"He patted you on the back."

"There was malice in that Pat, he'd always hated me telling me I didn't play fair. It was only a matter of time before I snapped."

"Oh yeah, getting expelled was really something to look forward to."

He shrugged. "More alone time for moi" he chuckled. I asked him earlier if he would keep me all day and thankfully he told me this was my only lockdown time. And that I was free after out meal, I still had a job to do. I leaned more into my palm to look at Aero better. He wasn't totally an asshole, sitting here, talking to him has made see this.

Aero maybe have been cocky and resistant but he did care about people, that much was evident. Even when it seem like he was a master of mind games. He was like a little kid.

I giggled. He looked up with confused eyes and my smile widened. Definitely the eyes of a child. "What's so funny. I like to laugh."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah at other peoples despair. But I was thinking about the first time Andres told me about you-"

"What did he say, did he say something stupid? I swear if he did-" I grabbed his hand and squeezed it enough for him to hiss in pain then tug away. "He did say anything crazy. He just described you exactly how you are and I think that's kind of amazing. You two are really close, I know that while you like having things go your way, you really love Andres and would sacrifice your pride for him anyday."

Aero seem to relax a bit more with his face slightly red. I poked out my bottom lip "Are you blushing?" I asked amused.

"No. Shut up and eat your fucking brunch." God, he was so rude, I wasn't even hungry surprisingly. "Can you at least try being nicer to your employees."

"Yeah, when I'm dead." What a hopeless case. I looked down at my phone then smiled. Carlos had texted me

Good morning linda ~

"Back in Greece-" Aero started abruptly. I put my phone away to listen. "Me and Andres had a doomed life from the start. As orphans, it was either go to foster care and get separated it survive on our own. We chose the latter."

I didn't dare interrupt.

"I won't get into so many details today but we had to do a lot of fucked up stuff to keep living day by day, it was hard and..sometimes I think, maybe we should have went into the system. Maybe that would have caused us less trauma you know." Aero looked up ate in such a way that hurt my soul.

The pain in his eyes was too raw and real for me. I never seen such an intense level of sadness. "W..what happened." I found myself whispering, if I spoke a velocity higher I would fall under my tears.

"Nothing happened." The new voice appeared and we both turned to the Angry glare of Andres Sinclair.


Aero, maybe a master at this now. Masked his emotions easily and put back on his juvenile trouble maker smirk.

"So you finally caught up to us."

"Don't start with me Aero. I have had enough of your games! Be responsible for once! Stop the coining of the women, you can't just take my secretary and dilly dally!"

"Andres wait-" I tried to help Aero from getting chewed out. It was his fault but he was a bratty idiot. It was excusable.

"And you let him guide you Juliette, I know he's your boss as well but please be able to tell him no."

My brows scrunched together. I stood up. Sizing up Mr. Sinclair again. "I can stand up for myself very well. Aero took me here to apologize to me. And for him, that's a great honor. Owning up to ones mistakes takes courage Mr. Sinclair and Aero did that.

He doesn't deserve to be scolded." I looked to Aero who gave me an ambiguous look, but I knew it was his very own silent thank you.

Andres folded his arms. "And I do?" I smirked a little. My flirty nature never died down I guess. "Only bad boys need scolding. Now, both of you have a meeting at.."

I looked at my phone.

"45 minutes in Queens so I think we better get a move on." I by pass the two males and open the restaurant door for them but they only stare at me intently.

I coughed "Rapido, rapido" I encouraged and they finally snapped out of whatever they were in and came willingly, well that seemed to work. Maybe I'll speak to them in espanol more often.

Juliette saw two new people today. An emotionally destroyed Aero and an Irrational Andres. But she was happy to see more sides of her bosses.

She felt closer to them by that, she graciously accepted Aeros apology. And forgave Andres for his wild outburst as well. And she felt herself hoping to be closer to the too and shook herself out of it. That would be impossible, Inadequate and simply irresponsible.

After the business was handled, the three stood at the front of the large office in the cold, closely disscussing the loose ends of work with other colleagues who attended tho session as well. Soon only her and the Sinclair men. She decided to distract herself with Carlos. As bad as that sounded. She need to see him, she didn't text him back that morning.

"We can drive you home Juliette" The Older Sinclair said after a while but Juliette sadly declined.

"It's alright. I already called Carlos and he's on his way." Andres nodded, he had no right telling the woman who she could see romantically, but honestly he wished he could just tell her to leave the man and stay by him.

"I see..Aero tells me he's a barista."

"Librarian." Juliette corrected with a blush, Andres looked genuinely confused.

"There's a difference?" Aero chuckled shaking his head. "Might as well not be but we'll stay here until he comes, we won't leave you out here alone Kitten..I mean- Juliette." Juliette smiled despite the dehumanizing nickname. He was trying.

"Thank you." They all fell into a comfortable silence

Sometime later Carlos's vehicle pulled up. "Well, that's me. I'll email you guys work if it comes up..goodnight."

Juliette kissed each of the men on the cheek and slid into her boyfriends car. "Heh you." He said kissing her and she responded like the good girlfriend she tried to be.

"Hey, thank you for picking me up."

"No problemo. Those were your bosses?" Carlos asked wearily.

"Yeah why, you scared of them?" Juliette teased and Carlos shoved her shoulder lightly. "C'mon they're huge!"

"Huge teddybears are more like it."

Back at the office, the brothers still stood outside in the frigid cold as if it didn't affect them. Watching where their secretary drive off with a man they didn't know. But she was his girlfriend. Then the older broke the silence.

"I have a proposition at hand." Aero nodded stiffly.

"If it involves Juliette, I'm willing to hear."

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