Chapter One

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Emerald's P.O.V

I got dressed into my white sundress and light brown belt. I had my yellow strapped sandals on. My hair was down with my natural curly golden way. I had the front sides pulled back into a white bow. Summer was sadly over and I was finally a freshman at Webster high.

I was walking to Home Ec. "Emers!!" I heard my best friend Jack yell down the hall. "Jackie Chan!!!" I yelled back. "Are we in any of the same classes?" He asked holding up his schedule. I held it next to mine and examined it. "We have everything but Home Ec together and Drama." I was kinda sad but we had every other class together. "Ugh! But at least we have everything else together." He cheered.

We walked to homeroom to see all our friends. We all had our group. Our group was Serenity, Michael, Ryder, Kendal, me, and Jack. We had all gotten the same homeroom. Serenity and I had all the same classes because she was my twin. Michael her boyfriend was in everything but gym, band, and American Government with her and I.

We all walked to Home Ec after the bell except Jack, Ryder, and Kendal. When we got to the classroom we got to choose are seats for the first day. I sat next to Serenity who sat next to Michael. When the teacher came in she explained the assignment that will be taking place either next week or later this week. We would have to take care of a baby doll with a partner. She explained that we would each pick a different colored popsicle stick and who ever had the matching one was your partner.

The catch was the boys had to pick out of one jar as the girls picked out of another jar. I looked around to see who was in my class. 'I wish Jack was in this class. We could like be partners and it would not be awkward.' After Mrs. Carlson was done explaining the assignment she started to explain the class procedures and what we would be doing in this year in that class. When the bell rang, she handed us supplies list for the class and the project.

We walked to our next class which for me and Serenity was gym. For gym we bought our uniforms got our locker numbers and codes. Then for the rest they gave us a paper that had all the units we would be taking in gym. Serenity, Jack, and I talked the whole time. "Jackie Chan!" I yelled at him as he tried to take my sweatshirt. He laughed. He always picked on me. After gym we met Michael and walked to our next class. "Guys watch out he comes Queen bitch and her minion." I said looking at Kitty "Oh hey Emerald!" She said as she stopped in front of me and my friends. "What kind of name is Emerald?" Beth one of her minions said. "What kind of name is kitty?" I asked back smartly. Kitty and her two minions walked away. I high fived my friends, and then we walked to our next class which was English.

After English class was lunch. In lunch we talked about how much we really didn't miss school and how we couldn't wait till this school year was over again. "The only good thing about school is I get to see all my friends again." I said enthusiastically. As me and jack walked over to our lunch table I told him about what I would have to do in Home Ec. He smirked. "Sucks for you, I'm not in your class." He acted all full of himself. He actually read my mind though. I did wish he was in my Home Ec class. I wanted him there cause he was my best friend.

I always wondered if he ever liked me more than just a friend. Part of me did but the other part didn't want to ruin our friendship.

Jack's P.O.V

"Yeah and apparently the boys and girls have to pick out of different jars and there matching popsicle stick is in the others jar. So like every girl has to have a boy partner." Emerald said.

I want to be your partner. Me, nobody else.

"Sucks for you, I'm not in your class." I said smirking at her. She was so beautiful. Her eyes sparkle in the sunlight and her hair was a golden dirty blonde. She was so pretty. I needed something, someone to keep me from her. Not that I didn't want to be with her, but we were best friends and I didn't want to ruin that.

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