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Veronica POV - 12 years old

"It's love," he muttered staring into the night sky above us. I nodded, it has always been love. We just didn't realize it. "Let's play a game," he said getting up. He held my hand and helped me up and I nodded again, "but first, one kiss?" He asked. I smiled, "Two kisses would be even better," and with that I placed a kiss on both of his cheeks and ran from him squealing. He soon caught up after me, catching me around my waist and turning me around. I inched closer and so did he, he shut his eyes and so did I. Our noses kissed then our lips. It was gentle and soft but filled with love.

His love for me, and my love for him.

I put it down, that can't be it! I turned it over and - wait, what's this? There was a picture of a young boy and girl laughing- having fun even. The girl looked familiar. She looked a lot like...


I hid the sheet under my pillow at the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs and pretended to be asleep...

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