"He's not bad anymore, Buffy. He didn't try to bite me." Lizzy stated.

"But he could have. Liz, maybe he was going to use you or manipulate you somehow, but now that you know what he is, he could be after you. And when he does, I will kill him, Lizzy, I'm sorry, but it's my job."

"So you're just gonna kill another person who's close to me?" Lizzy asked, making Buffy hesitate before leaving the room.

After Buffy left, there was a knock on the front door and the blonde ignored it, knowing her mom was home. But a few minutes later, there as a knock on her bedroom door, "Lizzy?"

Elizabeth opened the door and saw her mother, "Yeah?"

"Listen, I know you're not feeling well, but a friend of Buffy's is downstairs and I have to go to the gallery. Could you keep her company until Buffy gets home?" She asked.

 Lizzy nodded, "Sure. I'll change and be down there."

"Thanks, dear." She kissed her daughter's forehead before running downstairs and the front door closed.

With a sigh, Lizzy put on a pair of jeans before heading downstairs to talk to Buffy's friend. It was weird since she knew all of Buffy's friends, which was only Xander and Willow. "Hey, I'm Lizzy. What's your-" She stopped in the middle of the kitchen when she spotted the blonde.

"Darla." Lizzy gasped before the vampire lunged at the teenager.

Lizzy kicked her off and ran over to the knives, but Darla was too quick. The blonde vampire pulled the teenager to the floor and pinned the girl underneath her. Lizzy screamed as Darla sank her teeth into the girl's neck, exactly where the other vampire bit her.

"Angel." Elizabeth mumbled as she spotted a blurry figure in the doorway just before her vision turned black.

"Let her go." Angel hissed, his eyes widening when he saw Darla holding an unconscious Lizzy.

"Don't worry, there's plenty more for you." Darla smiled, "Don't you want something warm after all this time? Come on, Angel, just say yes." She threw Lizzy at him and he caught her, lowering her to the ground. His face morphed and Darla smiled, "Welcome home." She said before leaving.

"Hey, I'm home-" Buffy walked into the kitchen and stopped upon seeing Lizzy and Angel and he growled. He gently set her down and disappeared before Buffy had the time to react,

"Lizzy!" The other Summer's girl kneeled next to her adopted sister and checked her pulse, "You're going to be okay."

When Giles arrived at the hospital, Lizzy still hadn't woken up. They replenish her blood supply, but the doctors said she went into shock, "What happened?" The Watcher asked Buffy.

"I found Angel drinking from her neck." She answered bitterly, "I just wanted to make sure she was okay before finding and killing him."

"Buffy, Angel is no ordinary vampire. He's faced the Three and lived. It's gonna take more than just a stake to kill him." Giles said.

"I know."

Hours later, Lizzy groaned as she opened her hazel eyes and saw Giles, Willow, and Xander gathered around her, "Mom? Buffy?" The blonde questioned,

"Your mom went to go get coffee," Willow answered.

"And Buffy?"

"She's out hunting Angel," Xander said.

"Angel? Why Angel?" Elizabeth questioned, sitting up and wincing at her stitches pulling on her neck.

"Don't you remember? Angel fed from you." Giles answered.

"No, he didn't."

"What do you mean?" Giles questioned.

"Angel didn't bite me. Darla did." Lizzy corrected and her eyes widened, "And Buffy doesn't know that." The girl began to get off the bed but Giles stopped her, 

"Lizzy, you just woke up. You're not ready to stand on your own."

"I don't care! Angel's in danger!" Elizabeth exclaimed before putting on her leather jacket, Angel's leather jacket, before running out of the room,


Elizabeth ran into the Bronze where she knew they would be, her adrenaline high, and spotted Buffy aiming her crossbow at Angel who was on the floor, "Buffy, stop!" She yelled at her sister,

"Lizzy? What the hell are you doing here?" Buffy asked, lowering her crossbow.

"It wasn't Angel." She said as she helped him up, "It was Darla. She's the one that bit me."

"And I enjoyed every second of it." The three turned as Darla stepped out of the shadows, "Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is?"

"That hair on top of that outfit." Buffy answered.

"To love someone who used to love you."

"You two were involved?" Lizzy asked, eyeing both of the vampires in disgust,

"For several generations." Darla interrupted.

"Well, you have been around since Colombus, you're bound to pile up a few exes." Lizzy straightened her shoulders, "You're older than him, right? Just between us girls, you are looking a bit worn around the eyes."

"I made him." Darla smirked, "There was a time where we shared everything, wasn't there, Angelus? You had a chance to come home, to rule with me in the Master's court for a thousand years. But you threw that away cause of her." Darla glared at Lizzy, "You love someone who hates us. You're sick. And you'll always be sick. And you'll always remember what it's like to watch her die. You didn't think I came alone, did you?"

"I know I didn't." Buffy replied, grabbing her crossbow.

"Mmm. Scary." Darla raised two handguns, "Scarier." She shot Angel and Lizzy grabbed him, leaning him against a pole, "Don't worry, bullets can't kill vampires. Can hurt them like hell, but..." Darla aimed them at Buffy and pulled the trigger.

"You need to get out of here." Angel told the girl in front of him.

"But you're hurt." Lizzy replied.

"And so are you."

Elizabeth looked around and saw an arrow sticking out of the wall and ran over to it, attempting to pull it out. Angel came over and grabbed it for her, "Stay back." He said before kissing the blonde.

As Darla was waiting for Buffy to show herself, Angel stabbed her through the back and into her heart, "Angel?" Darla questioned before falling to the ground and turning into ash.

Lizzy felt something wet running down her neck and touched it before bringing it up to her face. It was blood. "Angel." She mumbled and he turned to face the girl, "I think I tore my stitches." She suddenly became light headed and Angel caught her before she hit the floor.

my guardian angel  |ANGEL|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon