Whats is this feeling

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Finally, it's about time you get out of the hospital. Sorry, there's not much I could do about it. Hey Noire I'm sorry that you have to push me everywhere. You better be, she huffs. And like you said there's not much you can do about it. I guess your right. But you know I really don't mind. What? Uhh never mind. Uh ok. So how long are you going to be in that wheelchair. For a few days. Ok good, cause when you get better we are heading to planeptune. Why? Cause there is someone there that might be able to help you. Oh that would be great. They have finally arrived to Noire's home. Is this your place Noire? Yep. Holy crap. What? It's huge. It's not that big, Noire huffs. Well let's go in, said Noire. So where will I be sleeping. Well about that. She stops for a second. What's wrong. Well I designed this place mainly for work and I hardly ever have anyone stay here. What are you saying. Umm. She seems embarrassed. There's only one room that a person could stay in. Uh my room. What I couldn't here you. I said my room. What! Are you sure you want me in your room with you. My room is the only one that is suitable for someone to stay so shut about it. Ok ok, thank you. She blushes. Well I guess we should head up. A few hours later. Hey Kyle are you uh. She stops. Am I what. Are you hungry. Well it's dinner time and I haven't ate anything since I got out of the hospital, so yeah. Good cause I'm making dinner. You can cook. Of course I can, I can do anything. Oh. Well I'm very grateful. You've done so much for me, a person you never until a few days ago. Well don't get the wrong idea, I'm just doing it cause I just can't let you wonder around and get yourself killed. And you saved me. Did you say something. No I didn't say anything! She blushes. Well dinner is almost ready. Sweet I'm starving. After dinner. That was delicious, thanks Noire. Oh it's nothing, she tilts her head down, he could tell she was blushing. Well I guess we should go to bed, said Noire nervously. Ok. So I guess I'm sleeping on the couch. No you idiot. It's way to small for you  to sleep in. I don't mind. I said no! Ok ok, so where will I be sleeping. She stops, her face turns bright red. My bed is big enough form two people. Wait are you saying. Don't make it weird. Well ain't it weird. Well sleep on the rough floor for all I care. Ok, thank you. Just stay on your side of the bed Kyle. You don't half to worry about that. Good. Well goodnight Noire. Goodnight Kyle. She turns out the lights. Noire place a hand on her heart. What is this feeling, thought Noire. She closes her eyes and falls asleep. Two days later. Man this great, I'm so glad to be out of that chair. But the doctor said not over do it. Yeah I know. So we still can't make the trip to planeptune uh. Yep but in the mean time we need you to train a little bit. Train? Well if we are going on a long trip like that you need to be able to protect yourself. I guess your right. But you are not allowed to over do it. I know. So let's head into town to get you a weapon. But I have no money. Don't worry about that, I'll get you a weapon so you can at least protect yourself. Are sure. If you don't get a weapon you might get killed out there. I guess your right. So they went to the local blacksmith. Ah lady Noire what can I do for ya. We need to get him a weapon. Oh ok. So what are you interested in. Hmm, I think a long sword. Ok let me go get one. Why a long sword? I don't know it just feels right. Here you go, the best one I got. Kyle takes the sword and steps back and tries it out. Wow he's a natural, thought Noire. Well how does it feel. It feels amazing. I'll take. So how much do we owe you. It's on the house. Really thank you very much. No problem, come back anytime. I thought you never held a weapon before. I don't know why but it just feels natural. Huh, we need to get you to planeptune as soon as possible. Well since it looks like you know what your doing with the sword, we might be able to leave in a day or two. Oh that's great. But for now I think you should rest. Oh ok. The next day. Man Noire's been working nonstop, so we can head out tomorrow. I need to do something nice for her. I got it. A few hours later. I'm back. Are you Hun-. She stops in shock. Oh welcome back. What this. I thought since you been working hard so we can leave tomorrow, so I thought it would be nice if I made you dinner this time. Um well you didn't half to do that. She blushes with a light smile on her face. Well I thought it would be nice. Well um thank you. He smiles at her. Go sit down dinner is almost ready. Oh ok . Here you go. It was a thin cut piece of steak with a side salad. Wow you made this. Yep. Well thank you, she blushes. After dinner. Well I'm going to take a shower before bed ok, said Noire. Ok. Thirty minutes later. Noire gets dressed and gets in bed. He's already asleep. Thank you. She whispers into his hear. Goodnight, Kyle.

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