The Undeviding End

Start from the beginning

"Baby mommy's here now Shh don't worry....Marko don't worry we'll save Angel I promise.."Marko sniffed and nodded.  I took Angel and held her in my arms,my sweet delicate flower was now crumbling away..It pained a mother to see her child slowly dying. I stood up looking around the room for a way out. I walked to the door adjusting Angel so I could turn the handle. It was locked of course.  I went to the window and undid the latch. He didn't secure it as well,don't think he thought anyone but kids we're going to be in here. I opened the window the gentle rain coming down softly,I handed Angel to Marko before climbing out. I touched the grass with my bare feet,I'm so glad the cabin was a one story.

"Okay,Marko gently hand me your sister,then you climb through."Marko nodded and cradled Angel as he brought her down to my arms. Once I had her he climbed up and out jumping onto the wet grass. I cradled Angel using my body to block the rain. We slowly made our way along the cabin. I looked around to find Anti's men watching for anything.

" are we going to get past them .."I looked around nothing seemed useful. Marko gently tugged at my shirt, I glanced down to see he held a small stone. That would work distract them with a small noise.  I nodded and Marko threw the stone, it hit a tree with a small smack but it was enough  to distract the men. They went off to the sound  Marko and I ran to the other side of the cabin swiftly and quietly the rain washing away our tracks in the mud. I held my other hand out behind me to stop Marko as I heard a soft crunching of leaves in front of us. Bushes a little way in front of us rustled,my heart stop someone was coming we had to hide and quick. I looked back and forth until I spotted a small box just big enough for angel and Marko to fit in. I quickly opened it motioning for Marko to hide in it. I hand angel to Marko and gently closed the lid,I picked up a good sized rock hiding behind a tree. I listened closely as the footsteps came closer, I did my best to quiet my breathing but every breath sounded so loud. My heart was in my throat pounding racing. Once they get close enough jump and slam rock,jump slam rock ,jump slam rock. The footsteps we're only a foot away... just a little closer I closed my eyes to focus...  I heard a twig snap next to me I quickly jumped out,the rock held above my head and I slammed it full force down. Just as quickly as I jumped the rock was stopped and I spun around in held in a grip.  My arms pinned against my sides I flailed around and squirm to try to escape my captures grip.

"Whoa whoa,calm down I got you..." I let go of the breath I was holding as I realized who the voice belonged to. I breathed heavily adrenaline rushing through me. He slowly sat down in the moist grass,I leaned back against his chest tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Da... dark..your alive.."his grip loosened I turned and played my head on his chest allowing the rain to softly fall on my back as Dark gently rubbed my back.

"Yeah..I'm alive.. and so are you.. Shh just's okay." I shakily breathed in and out listening to his breathing,feeling his chest rise and fall Again.

"I hate to ruin your moment but we're exposed and we need to get your kids." Wilferd huffed and glanced around. Dark stood with me and nodded.

"Wilfred's right standing here leaves us sitting ducks,the kids are in  danger we need to get them."as he said this a small creak came from the box. Wilferd and Dark focused their attention on it ready for anything. I held a hand up walking over to the box showing them what was hidden in side.

"Its okay's just daddy it's not a bad guy."I picked up my limp daughter and helped Marko out. Marko saw Dark and ran toward him. Dark's face lit up and embraced his son.

"Daddy! Your here! I knew you would find us daddy." Dark's smile faded as he noticed Angel in my arms limp. He gently put Marko down and walked to his daughter. He gently took her from my arms cradling heart broke as I saw the pain in his eyes as he saw our daughter barley breathing and shaking.

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