Chapter 2

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"So what you mean to tell me is you found this baby on your doorstep and she's yours" my sister Amanda said.


"whose the mother?"


"your ex...the one who cheated on you?"

"yup that's the one"

We sat in silence for a good 15 minutes untill Ella started crying.

"what do i do?" i asked mandy

Amanda got and picked up Ella and got a diaper from the bag and changed her. She held her out to me.


"Hold her!"

I held my daughter and smiled she looked alot like me. She was pretty. I have a feeling when she get's older i'm going to have to carry a shot gun around.

"I will help you" Amanda said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks sissy"

She rolled her eyes but had a smile on her face.

"You know your going to have to tell mom right?"

I sighed "I know she going to freak out"

"she'll be fine"

"What do we do know?"

"Well....we have to go shoping"


"Ella needs new clothes,food and other things"

"Ok will you come with me cause i don't know what to get"

She smiled "Lets go shoping Ella!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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