Come into my Life 2 [First day]

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Monday morning.

My alarm goes off.

Annoyed and still half-asleep, I turned to the other side and put my pillow on my head.

It doesn't stop.

I opened one eye to see what time is it.

7:00 amWhy does my alarm go off at this time in the morning?It's summer and-oh wait!

I looked at the date.


I jumped out of the bed in panic. Why must we start earlier this year?

I rapidly opened my closet to find something to wear, throwing clothes all over the place. It was my first day in high school and I wanted everything to be perfect to make a good impression but none of my clothes seemed suitable. I sat on my bed trying to calm myself down. I finally gave up and I walked down the stairs, wearing a black t-shirt, my blue jeans and my black converse. I had breakfast and a little chat with my mom about 'my first day in high school' which made me even more nervous.

Mia came earlier that morning and we started walking together. It was shiny and warm outside, although it was just around 8 o'clock in the morning. We chatted for a little until we arrived at school and met our friends.

"Geez, Tori!It's the first day of school and you're dressed in black again" ,Beth teased.

"Black is always in fashion, you know!",I said pretending to be insulted.

Joel, Tyler, Peggy and Aaron came up to greet us.

We all started telling stories from our summer holidays. Of course, whenever someone said something 'spicy' everyone went 'awww' and intended for 'more details'.

I felt everyone's eyes on us. We were the new students and, I'm sure, the top gossip topic today.

With the sound of the bell everyone headed to their classes.

I looked at my schedule. First class, Chemistry. I really like Chemistry, nearly as much as I like Physics. My uncle, who happens to be a Physics teacher, could never understand how this can happen since I hate Maths and those two subjects are completely related to Maths. But Chemistry!Eventually,this is one of the classes I will enjoy.

"Good morning",the gray-haired man said. "First,I'd like to welcome you to Bentonville High School. I really hope you like it because this will be your school for the next 3 years...",he added,in a failed attempt to joke. And he proceeded to the most horrible part, that I was hoping to shun. "Apparently, I'll be your Chemistry teacher this year, so, let's introduce ourselves! I'm George Jones". He made each one of us in the room to stand up and introduce ourselves in front of the whole class. As I could see no one felt conveniently doing this, neither did I.

The bell rang. I took my bag and got out of the classroom. I was looking at my schedule to find my next class when I heard a voice "What's your next class?". I lifted my eyes and I saw Tyler. I pointed on a spot on the paper. "Biology."

"Great!", said Tyler happily.

"How come you're in such a good mood?", I asked.

"I was hoping to have a class with one of you guys. It'll be more fun now!"

"You mean it would be more fun if I was Peggy, huh?".I teased. He looked confused. "Come ooon! Wouldn't a class with her be awesome?" I asked slyly. Joel had confessed that he liked Peggy and Peggy always showed an interest in him but none of them ever made a move to get together. I have been trying to persuade Joel to ask her out but of course he wouldn't.

His eyes swelled. "Shhhh!", he hissed, looking around in panic. "Can't you just be quiet!"

I was socked by his reaction. "What happened now..?".

"I don't want her to know...Can you just forget it?It's not true now, anyways", he said, more calm this time. I decided to say nothing since this conversation was already over.

We sat next to each other in the back seats and we couldn't resist commenting on everything our Biology teacher ,Mrs Birney, said, accepting some furious looks.

I met my friends in the cafeteria for lunch. I took a slice of pizza and an apple and headed to our table, obviously in the area of the freshmen. I noticed some older students looking at me as I was walking through;the look on their faces was... a bit offensive like the don't-look-at-me look or something. When I sat down at our table between Mia and Joel, they all calmed down and continued with their lunch.

"Wow. They don't like freshmen here,huh?",I said looking suspiciously at them.

"It seems it's a common greeting to the newcomers here. I guess that, for as long as we don't mess around with them, we will be fine",Joel chuckled. Our nervous giggles followed like an echo to his.

We have just started eating when three boys, three seniors I could guess, stood up from their table and came up to ours. One of them, the strapping one, who seemed to be the 'boss', leaned in and whacked his hand on the table.

"Well, well. Fresh meat!",he laughed. What the hell?We're not in army! I bit my lip so not to say this out loud. All of us were looking at him frozen. "You are new here so you'd better know who's the boss." Like we haven't noticed. "We make the rules here and we don't want riots so you'd better be quiet. Understood?",he threatened. We nodded and he seemed to be pleased. He walked away, heading to another bunch of freshmen.

"What was that!",Peggy whispered,her eyes swelled.

"A warning..?",I answered with the same look on my face."They seriously do have a problem with the newcomers ". And I do have a problem with them...

"What Joel said, just ignore them.",Tyler murmured, still looking at them angrily.

The next two hours were long.

You could say from the freshmen's faces that the incident with the seniors in the cafeteria had upset the whole school. The good thing about that was that as long as everyone did what those guys said, it would be quiet and peaceful, which could only help us on our first days here. Even though bullies really irritate me...

Come into my LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora