Moving In

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A woman's eyes shoot open and she looks around, panting softly, she locking eyes with her husband.

"Mina, Mina! Are you alright?!" The man ask, worried for his newly wedded wife.

"Y-yes, I just had a bad dream." Mina informs him.

The husband sighs in relief. "You had me worried." He tells Mina. "You've been having bad dreams every night since we've moved here."

The couple recently has move to a little town in Sasebo, Japan from America. The woman, Mina, adored Japan from all the stories her husband, Kiku Migami, told her so Kiku took her to there right after their marriage.

"We're almost there." He informs her.

A short while after, they arrive at a white house with a second story. They walk in to see that packed boxes placed in the living room.

"Oh, good! The delivery truck already got our stuff her." Mina says happily.

The man smiles softly to his wife. "Lets begin to unpack. It will feel more like a home once everything is set out."

With that they take off their shoes and jacket to unpack their belongings.

The woman then goes upstairs, exploring the rooms. She shivers and rubs her arms. "Kiku!" She yells down to her husband so he could hear. "We are supposed to have heating on the second floor, right?" She ask.

"Yes, I think I just need to turn on the heating first." He replies.

She continues to look around the second floor despite it's lack of warm air. She walks down the hall over to a light switch not too far away. She turns it on, but nothing happens. She looks up and sees a lightbulb, looks newly placed in too.

"I think there's something wrong with the lighting up here as well!" She informs him.

"I'll figure out what's wrong with it once I'm done with the boxes! You should come down here for now until there's light, you could trip!" He warns her.

"It's fine, I can see pretty well!" She tells him, when it's actually quite hard to see.

She walks down the hallway some more, the hallway seeming to get darker as she goes. The air dark and eery, the floor creaking noisily with each foot step. The creaking of the floor and Mina's breathing being the only noises in the empty hallway. A door at the very end of the hallway begins to open ever so slowly, releasing even colder air into the hallway and exposing a small, dark figure vaguely able to be seen.

"K-Kiku!" Mina shouts loudly running down the steps and colliding with Kiku who was already running to her aid.

"Mina! What happened?!" He ask loudly to her, looking down at her to see if any damage was done.

She looks up at him, terror filling her eyes. "I-I saw something upstairs! It opened the door!" She spurts out.

He goes into the kitchen, grabbing a knife and goes upstairs with Mina fallowing closely behind. He goes over to the only opened door, which is at the end if the hallway.

"Is it this room?" He ask, pointing to the open door.

She nods quickly. With that, he slams the door open and looks down, seeing a small grey cat.

Kiku sighs softly then smiles at Mina. "Just a cat. Nothing to be afraid of." He tells her.

"But there wasn't a cat! How could a cat open a door?!" She demands.

Kiku puts a hand on his wife's shoulder. "It's just a cat. The door must have already been open and it nudged it so it could get by." He states.

Mina realizes she can't win this fight and gives in.

Kiku walks in the room and goes over to an open window. "It must have came in here from the window from walking on the fence. Tricky cat." He says, then closing the window.

"That defiantly wasn't a cat..." Mina says to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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