Battleground C/M -The Maze

119 8 34

The Simulation has began.-

Battleground C/M-The Market area. [Town.]

Location/Area: The 'Abandoned' City.

"The moon beamed down gray ray's of carbon dioxide, the ground was coated in smashed rubble like a bed of snow. Ruins upon ruins. Window's were smashed, door hinges creaking in the dusty wind. Like the leftover of pieces of a warzone."

Task: Stay alive. Each individual that has entered the City is here to Kill another. Your task is to finish the other comrades before they finish you. The last man/woman alive wins. 

Time of day: Night.

Phase/Level: 1

Interceptor/s: None for this Arena.

Failure to stay alive will result in you loosing, and thus you will be transported to the Simulation room where you will stay in a sleep-like state until the arena is over.

Each combatant will be given an allocated metal clip allowing them access to the arena. This can be found in the 'Simulation room' in the clan house. Simply attach this to yourself before entering.

For each chapter, there will be a new terrain, new tasks and new enemies. For the harder levels, you will either face an Elite or several higher-level combaters with harder dis-advantages, some would be constant through-out the simulation. Eg; Temperature.

The Interceptor/s is the person/people that will try to prevent you from completing your task successfully. 

As this is Phase One when you awake you will simply feel dizzy, but that will last for approximately 6.5 seconds. It's been programmed to allow you the most amount of stability even when you awake, and also while you're in the simulation. With each higher level this 'stability' will decrease. In some you may be allowed no weapons, other's a certain ability will not work. With the City however, all this is neutralized. You are allowed a maximum of 2 weapons, all power's/abilities are allowed. 

Do not aim to decease but to out-smart your opponent.

Upon arrival there will be one post to explain where exactly each of you are in The City.

If you wish to participate simply send a request to the account.


No God-Modding

No Mary-Sue-ing

Stick to your thread/Chain.

Stick to the rules.

If you hold weapons/Reserves/Armour this must be explained in the first post.

Be respectful despite what place you come.

And have fun :)





4. K-Kennedy

5. Monochrome--

6. Dent--

[Comments are not appearing, if within the next few days they still do not appear I will either open another chapter for this, or move onto the next simulation.~S]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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