Cuddles (Part 1)

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Soft silver moonlight poured over the sturdy two-story cabin set deep into the heart of Crystal Lake's forest. It illuminated the inside of a room through an open window to sprawl across two bodies lying back to back on an oak bed.

Michael curled up, shivering slightly with cold. Fall had arrived quickly this year. Myers reached behind him to nudge at Jason's broad shoulder. 'The window.. Close it.. S' cold..' He murmured mentally with his eyes closed.

Jason huffed before getting out of bed to do as he was asked then plod sleepily back to the bed. He lifted the blankets up briefly when he noticed Michael shivering slightly. His eyes softened and he lay back down and pulled Myers against his firm chest.

Michael grunted softly in surprise but quickly snuggled into Voorhees' embrace. Warm, muscular arms tightened around his torso as Jason nuzzled Mike's unruly brown hair with his nose. The mask covering his face was a little hard, but Myers accepted the affection. He turned his head to kiss the covered nose, his eyes closed as he fell into a peaceful sleep.

Jason cradled Michael's hand in his before he too, dozed into a light slumber, ever watchful for anything that might hurt his little psycho.

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