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You were taken back to the station where you were assured that Medic couldn't get to you. You wanted to believe them, but you knew there would be blood shed there. Soon. You answered each question as best you could.

You gave them a description and when they showed you it, you told them that was the same male who was at the house. They kept you in a meeting room where they gave you (favorite warm beverage) and a blanket to keep warm as it had been raining and it was cold.

After a few hours you heard gun shots, and screams of pain. You didn't dare go out in fear that a killer was out there, one who wouldn't hesitate in killing you. The door opened and you were met with the sketch artist, he gave you a grave look and then a bone saw was stabbed through his chest.

He slumped and the blade was removed. Medic stepped over the body and grinned insanely at you the moment he saw you. He then noticed your look of fear, so he went over to you and held you. You buried your face in his shirt and cried in fear. He whispered reassuring words in your ear as he gently rubbed your back to comfort you.

Eventually you unburied your face and looked him in the eye. He reached forward for your face so you tried to move away. He held your head in place with his other hand as he dried your tears with his thumb. "It vill be alright dear. I vill not hurt you, I promise you zat I vill not hurt you so long as you stay vith me." He said softly.

"I- is that wh- what you m- meant by y- you'd be back for m- me?" You stuttered fearfully. He gently pecked your lips "Zat is vat I meant. I care about you, I only vant you to stay vith me." He said. "It can't be all that bad, staying with him. He said he wouldn't hurt me so long as I stay with him. Should I stay with him? Should I run?" You thought.

He gave you a curious expression. "Vat are you zinking about so intently darling?" He asked while observing you and everything you did. "Thinking about... Uh... The future." You said. It was a half lie, you were thinking about the future. Mostly if you would live that long to have much of a future. At the moment it looked like you were going to be the prisoner of a sociopathic killer who claimed to have feelings for you.

He smiled at your response "I haff been zinking about our future together as vell. Vat vere you zinking?" He asked intrigued. "Uh... I was thinking if... If I... Uh..." You began while trying to think of something to say. "If you vould live zat long?" He asked in a monotone voice which scared you.

You nodded fearfully and flinched when he reached out to hold you. "You vill live zat long. I vill not allow anyone to hurt you or take you avay from me." He said the last part happily. You knew what it meant; you were going to be his prisoner.

He smiled and laughed in a mixture of happiness and insanity. It sounded more like an insane laugh to you though. "Ve vill be married und ve vill be together alvays. Never ever leaving each other, alvays vith each other." He started to rant on about how the two of you would be married, have kids, never having time alone.

You were half tempted to tell him that you would need time alone, but you knew that wouldn't end well. He then picked you up bridal style and carried you through the gruesome massacre he had caused.

He laughed insanely. "I made zis mess for you mein loving wife." He said with a happy grin. He showed you the horrors of what he had done proudly while awaiting you to compliment his job well done in each grotesque murder.

"Vat do you zink? Beautiful am I not wrong?" He asked. You gulped and tried to ignore the horrid stench of dead corpses. Most were sawed in half, in half! Some were missing limbs, a few had their throats slit and blood still trickled from the wounds of some, the remaining had just died or were dying of their wounds.

You gulped knowing you wouldn't leave until you acknowledged the gory scene. "It's... It's..." You began "Ja?" Medic asked in an attempt to encourage you to continue speaking. "It's gory. The corpses smell, and each died a gruesome and painful death." You said.

Medic smiled a crazed smile "Yay! Are you impressed? If you are not impressed I could alvays kill someone in an even more violent manner." He said. "That's not necessary." You said trying to save someone from being brutally murdered while he was trying to impress you.

"Yay you are impressed zen ja?" He asked excitedly. You had one of two options. Either 1: Say you were and then he learns that to impress you he has to torture and kill someone in the most brutal way he can, or 2: Say you weren't and he would find someone and make you watch as the poor soul was mercilessly tortured and killed in an attempt to "impress" you.

"I'm not impressed by how brutal a murder is or how gruesome the torture the victim went through." You said. Medic tilted his head to the side in confusion "Zen vat are you impressed by?" He asked curiously. "How romantic you can be, you know. Stuff like that, not this profound amount of blood and death." You said.
Medic grinned which worried you. What was he planning? He then picked you up bridal style and carried you through the seemingly endless sea of dead bodies. He eventually carried you through all the bodies then he took you back to his home.

Time skip to arrival at Medic's home

Medic carried you to the door of his home at about one in the morning. You had fallen asleep on the way there so he kept you close to himself to keep you warm. He then carried you to a spare room in his home, which was a cabin in a swamp.

He kept you wrapped in blankets to make sure you were warm. He smiled at you and gently pecked your lips. He then climbed into bed with you and held you close to him so you had your head resting on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you so no one could take you from him.

"Gut nacht (Y/N). Mein beautiful wife." He said as he kissed your forehead and fell asleep.

Perfect Insanity (Yandere! Serial Killer! Medic X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now