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( I Played This Out In My Head A Million Times Before I Typed This

(16 years later)

I woke up to see my August Alsina Poster directly in front of my face I let out a shocked screech and my Best friend Callie laughs her ass of at my expression.

"Myla! You should'a seen your face" she barely crocked out tumbled over still boiling in fits of laughter

"Callie you know that shit wasn't that funny!'' I whined

"Ayee watch ya mouth lil girl I don't play dat shit." My mother yelled coming up the stairs

"Sorry mama!" I said as I watched her come into my room with my laundry basket in one arm and hangers in the other.

"Yea chile you have a hair appointment today 1 and it 12 so hurry ad get ready before she give your spot away" she said in her thick New Orleans accent

" Okay mama can Callie come to?" I pleaded

"I'm afraid not we have lots to do today and I have to run many arrans now hurry " she pressed

So after five minutes of talking Callie left and I got in the shower and did all that hygiene stuff and what not and got down stairs in record time.

'' Okay I'm ready mom'' I  said

'' okay sweetie lets go."

(Um look it really short but ill be updating a lot more lately so ima just start typing them ahead  of time then posting but until then byeee.)

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