"We have been lucky for the past few weeks only because we have managed to keep it low and fortunately go unnoticed. If Mr. Grumpy up there..." Yin secretly gestured with her fork towards the unsmiling man in one of the balconies above. "...sees you and likes you, well..." She shrugged a shoulder. "I don't know what will happen. You either just disappear forever like most of the other women or something much worse happens, but whichever it is, it never ends well."

"Okay!" Sarah said, swallowing hard. "That's it, I'm going to put a call through to my father! I'm getting the hell out of here right now!" She stated, attempting to get up but Anita quickly grabbed her arm across the table, stopping her midway.

Reluctantly, Sarah slowly sat down; shock and fear evident on her face.

"Don't be so impulsive. No calls are allowed in here. In this place, you are just as helpless as we are, Sarah. Once you are in, there's no out! In fact, they erase everything about you if possible and you cease to exist."

"Yea." Yin added with a childish pout. "So many have tried to escape. What do you think these men hanging around are here for? To serve the lord? Underneath those jackets, they are all armed and they won't hesitate to gun down whoever proves to be a threat or is caught trying to break any law."

Sarah began to shake her head in disagreement. "No, you don't get it. I can do something. I can get us out of here. My father is very influential and he can call the cops and send them down here. He is-"

Florence suddenly snapped, interrupting her. "Shut it already! Have you even been listening to us at all?! It doesn't matter who your father is, there's nothing he can do! Besides, I'm sure you didn't use your real surname why coming down here, if not you wouldn't be here in the first place if they had run a background check on you! Before any woman is accepted in here, besides those who are kidnapped, bought or trafficked, they look into your background first. If who you are gonna cause them any trouble, they wouldn't let you in here in the first place. The last thing they want is their cover being blown. You are as cornered as a mouse like the rest of us and the earlier you accept your new reality, the better for you."

"This is supposed to be a damn convent in the first place!" Sarah whispered in despair. She was almost trembling now as the severity of her situation finally dawned on her. "Not some bloody crazy house of crime!"

Yin replied. "Well, yeah...but there's nothing any of us can do about-"

"Silence!" They were suddenly interrupted by the harsh voice of mother Felicia, the Abbess, from above. She was actually referring to all the nuns.

Dead silence immediately engulfed the hall as Mother Felicia with Gladys standing right behind her, appeared on one of the small balconies above overlooking the dining room. She placed her chubby hands on the concrete banister and stared down at the women with solemn eyes. "I am sorry to announce that we have just lost four of our sisters! Sister Ann, Sister Megan, Sister Louis and Sister Pat." She announced, her voice devoid of any feeling of sympathy nor grief.

At the far end of the dining room, a single sob could be heard from one of the sisters who must have been close to one of the dead sisters, but Mother Felicia who paused to tame her with a scornful gaze, continued indifferently after the sister had comported herself. "They were caught trying to flee the Abbey last night..." She smiled sinisterly. "...and as the lord would have it, they chose their own fate by that single act."

Then her voice turned gruff. "Anyone who's caught in an attempt to escape the grounds will be severely dealt with and I cannot decide what punishment will be mete out to the culprit. I have said this time and time again, but yet some of you still choose to defiantly choose a cruel way to end your already sorry lives. Because of this rather unfortunate occurrence, a curfew has been declared which will last for days or perhaps weeks till all this die down. You all are to retire to your various rooms at six o clock, have I made myself clear?!" She yelled.

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