Their First Sight

Start from the beginning

"No.. It's not alright. I had spilled my coffee on your book. And it's already ruin because of me. How much is it? I will pay back."

"Please... It's just a book. I can get a new sketch book and draw." He sounded upset with the damaged book, but he hid his feelings well.

He seemed like an artistic person, though his outfit doesn't suits it. From his outer look, with a worn out jacket to kept himself warm. It makes him look an untidy person.

She fishes out her purse, getting ready to pay him for the damage. "No.. I need to repay you. Name me your price and I will do it."

He sighed and gave another smile. "Alright." He packed his belonging from the table. "Here's a deal. Be a model for my drawing, and that should do it. You can come at anytime."

"But I didn't know where to find you."

"I'm always here.. This is a part of my working place. Those barista over there knows me well after all." He pointed at the workers who are currently busy of making the orders. "See you soon, Ji Hyo-ssi" He left the cafeteria hurriedly before she managed to say a word.

"But....." "How does he know my name? I don't remember of introducing myself." She wondered herself with a curios look.


Ji Hyo walked out from her house early morning with her jumper outfit. After ruining the sketch book from the anonymous, she knew that she had to pay back for the damage.

She arrived at the cafeteria, surprised to see the same man. Who was already there, sat at his usual spot, while did a quick sketch on a new book.

There wasn't any customer at that hour since it's still early. She tiptoed towards him. Trying not to distract him from his inspiration.

"You are here Ji Hyo-ssi." He greeted without looking at her direction.

"How did-" She went stunned.

"My six sense works well somehow. It's good to see you." He stood from his seat and did a handshake with her. "What brings you here, Ji Hyo-ssi??"

She frowned before answering his question. "Didn't you told me that I will be your model to repay your damage. So here I am..."

"Well I wasn't expecting you to accept my price. I thought you wouldn't want to take my offer. Have a seat Ji Hyo-ssi." He pointed out an empty seat ahead of him. "An Americano and Ice Latte please." He ordered the drinks at the counter which was just behind him. The barista just nodded and taken their time of making orders.

"So how did you know about my name?? I don't think I ever introduced myself." She asked with a curiosity look.

"Let's just say... I just knew it." He smiled gracefully till his dimples appeared. Not many men have dimples on them. He seemed weird, but still a good-looking man to her.

"So.. What do you want me to do??" She finally ask. "Don't tell me to remove my clothes and you draw my figure.."

"Of course not!!! Why would I?" The man frowned deeper with her words with a surprised tone. He was unexpected that she would think out of the box. "Theres nothing I want you to do.. Just sit here. I will do the rest."

He placed his new sketchbook on his lap an started with his work. The ordered drinks was served in a jiffy. He thanked the barista and finally continued with his work. The atmosphere around them was pretty stiff. Not knowing what to do, Ji Hyo could only sip her coffee frequently.

He paused and laid the book on the table. His eyes glued on Ji Hyo's, with a prefect smile on him. "Tell you what, Ji Hyo-ssi. How about we introduce ourselves first? I guess it will be much gawky if we just remained silent during the entire progress. I could draw, but it could take some time to complete it."

She placed her drink on the table and responded to him. "Well you know my name. But I don't know yours."

"Kwang Soo. My name is Lee Kwang Soo. And I drew."

She actually let out a snort when he told her that he's capable in drawing. "I can see that..." He let out a chuckle and continue to sketch.

"So what's your interest? Don't tell me that you just love to work every time?" He asked before stirring his drinks and taken a big gulp. "Arts..." She answered it. That caught Kwang Soo's attention even more. "I drew most of the time back then. But I quit..." Her tone went lower.

"Why??" He seemed interested of finding out about Ji Hyo in detail.

"Got an issue...." She let out a bitter smile. The truth is, she wouldn't want him to find out about her life. He's still a total stranger to her.

"Roger that.." Kwang Soo did a respect gesture. "Don't mind me if it isn't as beautiful as those famous artist.. If you are running out of idea of breaking the awkward atmosphere, why not just put on your music and listen to them. Pretend that I'm not around."

"But you are drawing aren't you??" She tilted her head to one side.

"Of course I am. I just need my model to be around. Feel free to do anything. Just don't distract me too often." It take less than an hour for him to complete his sketch. "Done.. Thank you for the hard work, Ji Hyo-ssi. I probably need you more often for the upcoming sketch."

"Why me?? Don't You have other models to complete with your sketch??"

"Of course I do... Is just I barely have inspiration when I work with them. The other reason is because.. You looked like an angel, to me." She gave a frown while listening to him. "Beautiful, just like the way you are.."

"Are you giving me a compliment about it?" He scratched the back of his neck. Feeling shy that he spoken out his inner feelings.

"So what's your plan now? I guess your work for today had ended." He started packing his bags as he asked.

"Craving for meal.. Wish to join me?" He gazed at her with an astonishment expression. She felt a little awkward that she cleared her throat and continue. "I need some accompany to ease my boredom of eating alone."

"Well sure.. Why not???" He carried his bag on his one shoulder and stood from his seat. He headed to the counter table and paid for the drinks and they walk to their destination.

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