He said nothing, just closed the door. Although honestly, that was better than me having to talk to him further. If he was going to be so immature about it, I shouldn’t want to date him anyways. I’m sure he’s a lovely person at heart, but the two of us was just never going to work out.

I practiced with Adam for the first time the next day, so I decided to just go back to my room and get some sleep. I changed into my pj’s and once my head hit the pillow, I was out.


~~~The Next Day~~

Breakfast was beyond awkward. I was avoiding Peter, and he was avoiding me, since we had our little argument the night before. At least he wasn’t on my team anymore, that would make things even more awkward than they already were.

Practice started off on a pretty good note, though. Adam congratulated me on getting to the Lives, and I got to hug him. (hehe)

“So, the song that I’ve picked for you this week is Somebody that I Used to Know,” Adam began. I didn’t bother to mention that a contestant had gotten kicked off after singing that song last season.

“So, Beka, if we’re going to make it through this round using this song, you’re going to need to put some emotion into it,” he continued.

Then I realized that it was going to be super awkward, seeing that I had just gone through a breakup. But hey, Peter was being a jerk, so maybe I could relate that to the song okay.

“I think I can do that,” I told Adam confidently.

We began practicing it, Adam giving me whatever tips he had. I knew that since there were so few big notes, I was going to have to do awesome at the ones that did come along, particularly the one at the end of the girl’s part. But at least it was sung by a girl, so it was within a decent range for me.

After practice, I ran into Peter. “Hi Peter,” I said awkwardly, trying to be polite.

“Hey,” he said quickly, not looking me in the eye and walking off. (masterofdisaster and BreakingVanity- if you get that reference, don’t kill me, I had to.)

Well, I tried. Whatever, at least now I was positive that he didn’t matter and I could just put my efforts into winning this thing.

~~~Monday, the day of the Live Performances. Last time skip of the chapter, I promise!~~~

Just Team Adam and Team Usher were performing tonight, since sixteen artists still had to perform and they couldn’t do that all in one night. But I was going tonight, so now was my only chance to continue my way in this competition. Yeah, I was nervous. But who wasn’t?

Oh, and there’s also the fact that I was going first. When I had been told, I nearly had a heart attack. I was losing confidence in this performance, What if I wasn’t good enough? This song took effort to pull off. I was starting to believe that Adam had too much confidence in me when he gave me this song.

I was called to go onstage and tried not to shake. “Now and then I think of when we were together,” I began, praying that I would pull this off.

I remembered Adam’s tip to put some emotion into this, and I did my best, thinking about stupid Peter and all my other stupid past boyfriends.

Overall, I think I did better than expected. I got a huge round of applause and even some people standing, which was a shocker. What meant the most to me, though, was praise from the judges, who all said I did an excellent job.

I gained a little more faith that I would move on to the next round after performing. However, I was still immensely relieved when I got backstage afterwards, glad that I had finished that performance.

I scowled as Carson Daly announced that Peter had 50 Ways to Say Goodbye by Train. Seriously? I knew it was Usher’s pick, but still, it was annoying me. He seemed to be having a little too much fun singing the choruses. I had the strong urge to punch him. The fact that he sounded good didn’t make things any better.

After the show, I was frustrated with Peter, but also glad that I had done well during my rendition of Somebody that I Used to Know. There wasn’t much else I could do now other than hope I made it on to next week’s show. I would be in the Top 12 if I managed that, which would be awesome.

The moment I got back to my room, I made sure all of the makeup was brushed off, the products out of my hair. Once I was sure of that, I went to bed, exhausted.

[Sorry that was a bit of a crappy chapter. Oh, and I hope you guys don’t mind me not getting as much detail of the actual performance, I had done that for the Battles and Knockouts, and it was getting a little tiring and boring. I might do it for the next performance, though. I promise that the chapters to come will be better. That’s all for now!]

I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now