Simon snow will be the death of me. I can feel it in my heart and soul. If we don't kill each other by the end of our schooling surely this aching in my heart will. I decide that I really do hate him. I can't love him therefore I should hate him.

He looks like the sun on a cloudy day, a dry spot in the typhoon or snow in summer. In other words he was impossible, his golden hair is what made me want to wake up in the morning. His clear blue eyes are the reason I can't sleep at night. His moles are something I'd never given thought to until I'd imagined myself pressing my lips onto each one.

He was the magnet that pulled me back to Watford. It was in our third year when I realized this. I remember when I couldn't stand the thought of him snogging Agatha, had I been jealous because I wanted her..or him?
It was an unbroken rule in our room to keep quiet. We didn't speak to each other, case closed. I'd wanted to speak to him on so many occasions but I could never figure out how. It was five years in the same room, five years of hatred and five years of fighting. How could I start a conversation with someone whom I held so close to my heart but pushed so far away?

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