Chapter ~5~

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January 7th 1PM

"I can't wait for the spring thaw," she complained, sliding her coat off. "Come on, late February!"

"No," Trevor said, sweeping the shop's floor. "Can we skip February?"

Her heart twisted and she smoothed a hand down his arm. February would mark one year since Gordon's death—and what a year it had been! She shuddered, not wanting to remember. "I'm sorry, honey." She wondered if more peace spells were in order.

"Personally, I can't wait to get back out in my garden. I've been reading about the cultivation of orange trees. I'd love to add one! I'm sure we can fit it in. Maybe place it in the west corner of the yard."

Trevor frowned and turned back to his work. "We'll see. Are you going to have room after the Christmas tree?"

"Of course." She sighed and swept a duster over the elaborate Hulish figurines he'd set on a table near the shop's front window. "I wonder if it will survive the hot summer. Probably not. If it doesn't, I can put the orange tree there. Hibiscus might be an easy addition and—being a little daring—I think I'd like to try some lavender this year." She sighed. "I bet it'll die on me."

"You're better than that and you know it," he said, disappearing into the office.

Caitlin flipped the duster over and shoved it into its holder behind the desk. She glanced out the window at the gray, chilly afternoon. Come on, spring! I've had enough of the cold!

The chime on the door jingled and Caitlin turned, a smile on her face, ready to greet her customer.

Arianrhod stood in the doorway, rubbing her cold-reddened hands together. Somehow, even jeans and the beat up denim jacket she wore over them looked like finery on her. Must be the natural glamour given to goddesses.

Wish I had some, Cait thought.

"Ah, Cait! Good afternoon."

Caitlin tried hard not to snort. "Afternoon." She trotted toward the office and ducked inside. "She's here again."

Trevor blinked up from the computer screen he read. "Who?"

"You know who," she said.

He frowned. "Honey—"

"It's not that time of the month." She crossed her arms. "If she doesn't go away, I'm leaving."

He blinked. "What? Cait, she's only here for a quick visit."

She loosened her arms and shoved a hand through her hair. "I mean, I'm going to Bean on Tyme for a while, silly boy."

"She won't be here long."

Caitlin held up a hand. "I have some coven business to discuss with Beryl."

The phone rang and Trevor grinned. "Can you get that? I've got a customer."

Caitlin sighed and picked up the phone as he walked out. "Starfort Collectibles."

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