Chapter 7- A turn for the worse

Start from the beginning

“Omega…” he mouthed

My hand shot up in front of her, and made a tight fist, she fell to the ground, groaning in pain, I only clenched my fist harder and she was gasping for air.

That’s right, kill her, kill the arrogant b*tch.” A voice said inside my head.

Stop, now, this is my body.”  I yelled inside my head.

Correction this is our body, that is our mate and this bitch is our food.” The voice said with a snob accent

You are wrong, and a little deranged; now stop or I’ll never see Kay again.” I threatened

My hand became useable again and I retracted it away from the withering Alpha. I looked back at Kay, and when he saw it was me again, he walked forward and pulled me in a tight hug; I only relaxed, but didn’t hug him back.

“Don’t put it back up that wall Leo” He said against my neck.

“Just take me to my brother please.” I said void of all emotions.







After the ceremony, it was me and Wyatt back at home, he made some pie and we ate all of it. After that we watch Family Guy.

“Wyatt?” I asked

“Huh?” He answered

“What am I?” I asked

He looked at me with the saddest expression and said the only answer that I needed. “You are Leo Andrew Carver and my little brother” he smiled

I playfully punched his arm and smiled “Don’t ever say that name again.” I threatened

“Wow, you punch like a girl.” He laughed

It was like that for the rest of the night, we laughed made some more jokes, but even though I was smiling on the inside, I could not help the feeling of feeling so empty.

“We should live at the pack house.” I blurted out

Wyatt turned to me, his aura beaming with happiness; it was pretty obvious this is what he wanted for a while now.

“Really!? Because we could totally wait until you feel better-”

I cut him off. “No, I’m cool, plus I do miss everyone there, I want to go.” I gave a reassuring smile and he accepted immediately.







The next day, we packed up our stuff and we left for the pack house; we laughed and sang to stupid cheesy song.  Of course, reality was a bitch and had to come crashing down on us, when we reached the Pack house, a bunch of cars were outside, along with many Alphas, some I’ve seen from the ceremony, including Alpha Lisa. I saw Kay in front of them talking them calmly. As soon as I got out of the car, the Alphas were on me and seconds, pulling at my arms and telling me how much of a better life they can give me. That when it dawned on me, they were here for me.

I yanked away from the Alphas and stood next to Kay.

“What’s going on here?” I asked as he looked at me with a sadden expression.

“They know you’re an omega, not only that, but you’re a half-blood, you are the most extremely rare wolf anyone has ever seen.” Kay explained

“And the rules proclaimed if a wolf does not have any spouse, cubs or parent in the pack then they can choose or be fought over if necessary.” One of the Alphas piped up

“F*ck you, I am not some item.” I snarled

The crowd through fits and cursed and yelled, but then one of them said something that made pure burning white rage flow through my skin.

“Alpha Kay, I challenge you.” An old Alpha said, he voice was a low and threatening, his eyes flashed a bright blue.

The fight happened quickly, Kay’s growled and he body exploded in a bunch of fur and his body grew until he was as big as a horse. His wolf was a brown color and the teeth were a purely white and huge. The old man transformed into his wolf too, he was a big grey wolf, with electric blue eyes. They charge at each other, Kay bit the Alpha’s arm and the Alpha bit the back of Kay’s neck and through him across the yard. Kay got up and ran forward again, but the old Alpha bit into Kay’s side, while knocking him over, Kay snarled and growled as the Alpha went in for the kill.

KILL HIM!” The voice in my head yelled

MY hand shot up and the Alpha went down, whimpering and he was shaking in pain until his body was once again human, but then his screaming was silenced and his body went limp. The Alphas stared as Kay turned back human and stared at me. Then someone put a gun to Kay’s head.

“I’ll be taking the Omega.” A voice said

“Who are you, you are not a Wolf” Alpha Lisa questioned

But she was quickly shot in the head and she dropped like a log.

“No, I’m his father.” The man said

(A/n) so I’ve been gone for a while, but I don’t blame me, blame my cousin, but I did make an awesome Cliff hanger, comment and vote… or I might just fall into a deep depression. Just kidding…

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