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I got dressed slowly and kinda wandered around my room aimlessly.

The reality that Frank and I were'nt together anymore was slowly seeping in.

There was a knock at the door. ''Come in" i said

To my surprise, it was Wren.

"hey?" i said

"I know you and me aren't exactly close, but what you did, choosing my sister, made her really happy. And so, apparently dosen' t see that this is hurting you just as much as its hurting Frank. I see the way you look at him. You love him. So i just want you to know, i'm here for you. If you need to talk or anything. Okay?" she said

i see what Mikey see's in her. She's really nice. I'm glad to know my bro's in  a relationship with such a nice girl.

I walked up to Wren and hugged her.

"Thank you" i whispered.

"Anytime Gee, i know Mikey would want me to be here for you. And i mean, you'll probably talk to Mikey before me, but still, the offer still stands" she said and then she left

A baby started crying.

i was starting to get used to the two of them crying, like i could tell the difference between Noah and Amy.

I think it was Noah who was crying. Frank wasn't in any particular rush to go sooth her, so i headed into the nursery.

Noah looked up at me and kinda smiled and giggled. He just wanted attention.

If people didn't know that Frank and I adopted, they would think they were somehow actually ours. Especially since Noah was such an attention whore like Frank.

Frank came into the room. "Oh, uh, sorry, i didn't realise you got him."

"Don't apologise" i said quietly.

"Can i have him?" he asked

i handed Noah to Frank.

It was then i came to the realization of how hard this was going to be.

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