Chapter 25: On the Other Side

Start from the beginning

“So you're the one that got Nero in trouble?” Korbin asks.

Sosimo flicks Korbin on his arm with the back of his hand. “Korbin stop. She's here to help.”

Korbin rubs his arm. “Okay jeeze, I just don't see how she could help.”

“Don't underestimate Borukin females. They’re resourceful, cunning, and as tough or tougher than the males.” Sosimo turns to Natina. “We appreciate your help. Follow me and we can talk at the table.”


“What happened to Nero?” Thea asks as soon as they are seated about the dining room table.

Grebson eyes her. “From what I’ve heard, it sounds like King Kamin had the guards grab Nero.”

“Why was Nero there in the first place?” Sosimo asks.

“I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen,” Natina says. “I don't have many friends, so I invited him.”

Sosimo looks back to Grebson. “Where were you? Why didn't you help him?”

“You know I don't go to the games anymore and even so there wouldn’t have been anything I could’ve done. Nero did nothing wrong. The king made a demand and no one was going to stop him.”

Sosimo looks at Grebson for a long moment. “Why then?”

“Did you hear Madam Carason died?”

“Yes.” Sosimo dips his head. “More bad news.”

“It is,” Grebson says. “Kamin Ramas Jr. is now the head of the schools, which greatly extends King Kamin’s power.”

“I can only imagine what that’ll mean,” Sosimo says. “But what does this have to do with Nero?”

“The king is making a push for power in all fronts, one of which is through technology, so he’s pursuing an agreement with the Erohsians.”

“Erohsians?!” The children cry out.

“Ah,” Sosimo says and the tension releases from his face. “And there was an Erohsian with him?”

Grebson nods. “Some general. Apparently the Erohsians want to make a deal with the king to help handle the rebelling humans.” Grebson turns to the children. “Now why would this general be interested in you all? Natina was shown a picture the general had of all of you.”

The children sink back and look at each other and then Sosimo nervously.

“From what I can work out,” Sosimo says. “They stumbled upon some Erohsian essence specimens that were stolen by Catalyst. They opened the canisters and absorbed the essence. Now the Erohsians are chasing them.”

“And Nero absorbed one of these?” Grebson asks.

“It was just me, Korbin, and Thea,” Ryder says. “Something funky happened when Nero tried. It just evaporated.”

Grebson nods in thought. “It’s interesting a general would care about the children and a few essences. I wonder if there’s something else going on.”

“Especially with the amount of effort they’re putting into their search. They nearly shut down Blue Horin when I was smuggling them out so I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re missing something.”

“So did the Erohsians get Nero?” Thea asks. “What are we going to do? This is horrible.”

Grebson shakes his head. “Not yet.”

“What do you mean?” She asks.

“If you'd let him finish Thea,” Sosimo says. “I'm sure he'll get to it.”

An Unlikely Friend. part 1Where stories live. Discover now