Chapter 21: Odoki

Start from the beginning

Saraf frowns. “You’re going to keep asking until I let you, aren't you?” Nero nods. “Well I suppose we can give it a shot one day, but you must earn the right first. You need to have your basic physical skills down first. When you become proficient in Roroon then we can give it a try, but it's your fault if you get hurt.”

Nero smiles. “Deal!”

“Good.” Saraf turns to Natina. “We’ll have to figure out a better arrangement so you don't destroy my training room because at this rate there won't be much left. In the mean-time, let's move on to Odora, you can’t do much damage with Aether drawing.” Saraf walks over to a rack and grabs a leather strap. He attaches it around Natina's waist and then ties her right arm, with the styk in her hand, behind her back. Saraf hops on the bike and starts to pedal. “You two know the drill. We'll warm up like normal before we give Natina any Aether.”

Nero walks over to Natina and they circle one another for a few moments before Nero attacks. It takes him a few tries before he finally gets a hold of her and they wrestle. Even with one arm tied behind her back, Natina and Nero are a close match. They grapple with each other and strain to win the advantage and finally Nero slips a foot behind Natina and puts her on the ground.

Nero throws up his hands in triumph. “Got you!”

Saraf claps. “Holy smokes, I didn’t think I’d live to see the day. Looks like those little muscles of yours actually work to some extent. Now Natina come over here and charge your styk. This time when you two fight, I want you to draw the Aether from the stick for extra strength.”

“This hardly seems fair,” Nero says.

“And I’m getting old and my back always hurts, which isn’t fair either, but I’m not complaining,” Saraf says.

Natina walks over to the Aether storage container and touches it with her styk. She walks back to Nero and smiles. “Why’d you stop dancing?”

Nero and Natina wrestle again, and again it is a close match with Nero just barely managing to throw her down. He performs a celebratory dance around her as she gets up, glaring.

“Just let the Aether flow into you Natina, and the rest should happen naturally. Don't try to fight or resist it,” Saraf says.

Natina closes her eyes for a moment in concentration. A smile spreads across her face. “I think I got it.”

Nero stops dancing. Great…

Natina lunges at Nero with surprising quickness. He dodges her hand once but the second time she comes around and grabs his arm. She spins him once around and throws him to the ground. Natina starts to dance. “What'cha going to do now skinny boy?”

Nero jumps up and tries to wrestle with her but her speed and strength are too much. He lands on his back again.

“Alright good job you two. Practice a few more times and I'll be right back.” Saraf hops off the bike and walks into his workshop.

“You know this is so unfair right?” Nero asks as Natina stares him down.

“Yeah. It's too bad you can't draw Aether.”

But I can! I just need to grab onto the styk. I think…

When they start again, Nero manages to just slide by a few of Natina's lunges. She swipes again and he goes low, throwing her off center. He grabs the styk in her hand as she tries to regain her balance. It vibrates with Aether and he opens himself up, letting it flow into him. A surge of strength runs through him and he tosses Natina. She lands with a thump on her back and her trapped arm, letting out a yelp.

An Unlikely Friend. part 1Where stories live. Discover now