Chapter One

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Ava's P.O.V

I grabbed the wet towel that lay at the side of my bed. Placing it across my throbbing temples I let out a sigh. It didn't reduce the pain, it only made it worse. I lay there for while before finally getting up to get some painkillers. The sound of my own footsteps trudging down the stairs were to loud for me to handle. I opened the door to the cupboard and searched for them. I couldn't believe it. There was none. I hadn't left the house in two days, the cupboards were empty so I knew it was time to get out the house and go to the shops. I stuck on some leggings and an oversized jumper, followed by my parker coat. Locking the door behind me I set off in the cold.

On the way I decided to pop into Starbucks to grab a coffee for the walk. 'Ten minutes' I thought, 'Then I'll go' I took a seat at a table next to the window. I stared blankly through the window until I was cut out of my daze by a man's voice. "Hi, is erm this seat taken?" he looked down nervously at his feet and revealed a brilliant white smile. He looked familiar; brown hair in a quiff, deep blue coloured eyes and that smile. I didn't reply with words, but simply nodded and examined every facial feature as he sat before me. The man spoke once again. "Hi I'm Mark, Mark Owen."

"Ava" I said shaking his warm, soft hand.

The next few minutes were awkward, I sat staring at his face, examining everything, from his perfect hair line, to where the sun hit his snow, white teeth. "You looked a bit lonely, so came to see if your okay?", his eyes filled with concern. I blushed at his comment and smiled downwardly at my drink, the steam making me feel quite queasy.
"Oh it's just a cold, nothing the worry about" I smiled and wiped my nose with the sleeve of my coat.
He laughed nervously before saying, "Actually, I came over to ask you if you were free sometime to grab a drink? I know we only me like 30 seconds ago but, how about it?" his smile turned into an embarrassed look and he started to play with his thumbs. I placed both of my hands on top of his.
"I'd love to.", I replied, smiling and showing my teeth a little. Our eyes met and he flashed his smile. Mark took his hands from beneath mine and asked me to write my number down. I did what he wanted and handed it over to him. We exchanged smiles before I left to head for the shops.

It was now Friday. Five days after I met Mark in the café. I should never have gotten my hopes so high. Until my phone buzzed.

From: Unknown Number

"Sorry for not texting sooner, been very busy. How about that drink tonight, meet at the café? 7ish? Mark x"

I smiled and added him to my contacts before texting back.

To: Mark

From: Ava

"Yeah that's great. See you there! x"

Well then I better start to get ready I thought to myself.

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