Chapter 1

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Aa yess lits start

I was in 3de grade it was at the biggining of the school year
Every body was huddeld up in groups talking about was the Teacher sed

There was a new boy joining us today

All the girls were talking about if hees gouing to be nice or not while I was the outcast of the class

The boys where planning new pranks to do to the neww boy

Everybody was werry quite suddenly
My curiosity got the best of me and I stood up and walk towords the rest of the class trying to get a look at the new boy
I cralled under some boys legs to look at the boy
But I found himm alreddy stering at me .

He didn't try to even hide that he is ipenly stering at me
I looked away and when I looked back his hand was ekstended towords me .

He helpd me up and there where a lot of people staring daggers at me .
"Thank you "
I sed so soft it wasend even a wisper
"No worries ??"

"My names Maddi "

He looked at me for a min andd the replide "You have a nice Name Maddi"

"The names Delport  Morne' Delport"

That was the day I met my Best friend in the hol wide world ....*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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