Dark Guild

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(The dark guilds mark--->)

??? POV

We had gotten a quest to clear a dark guild that had been around this area outside of Magnolia. The twins had decided to join us in the battle as they said they "would need the experience." I let out a sigh And pulled my hand through my hair, There was too many scents to tell them apart, it was giving me headache. "Hey Natsu, You Ok?" Lucy said looking at me worried. I gave her a big Grin, "Yah, there's just too many scents in this forest." I said as I felt happy land on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Lucy, No matter what me and Natsu will kick some dark guild butt!" Happy shouted next to my ear but I had gotten used to it at this point. I brought my hand up for a high five, "Damn Straight bud!" I said smiling at Happy. He returned the high five when Erza glared at us, "Quiet down, we want to Get the advantage of surprise-" I ignored her and ran through the bushes that led to the dark guild, "Happy!" "Aye sir!" Happy extended his wings and lifted me into the air so I could see the dark guild from here. It was a dark purple building, the guild's name was Crimson Scythe or something like that. I looked around the top when I saw a skylight, I had a small smirk, "Good Idea Natsu!" Happy said As he caught onto my idea. He brought me about 10 feet right above the sky light and let go of me.

"YAAAAAHOOOOOO!" I shouted as I dropped through the skylight. I landed and looked to see about 15 guys surrounding me. I cracked my knuckles, "Let's Do This!"


I had taken down just about everyone when one of the guys got behind me and tried to surprise me. I swung around and kicked him square in the belly sending him barrelling toward the wall, "STRIKE!" I said I fistpumped the air when I hear something fall onto the floor, looking over I see that the guy who I kicked hit a table knocking something off.

I walked over to see a silver chain and locket on the ground that looked familiar. I picked it up to get a better look at it when I smelled an unforgettable scent. I looked at the locket to see a silver dragon with its wings spread out, My hand traced to my locket that was hidden in my scarf.


I pulled it out and compared them, they were the same locket. I fumbled around for the button of the locket and pressed it to show an old picture. My Eyes widened, It was me as a kid, I had my arm carelessly over my friends shoulder. Next to me was a girl a few inches shorter than me, she had (HC) hair that reached a little past her shoulders and bright (EC) eyes that glimmered in joy. I felt my fist shake in anger, I held the necklace in my hand as I hand toward the next room.

Once I opened the door 3 sets of eyes landed on me, I ran over and kicked the first guy in the stomach, making him knock into guy #2. Both of them landed on the ground as I turned to the last guy there, He was waving his arms around with tears and snot on his face. I picked him up with on of my hands and held him above me, I lifted up the locket To his height. "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU FIND THIS?!" I growled out glaring at the man.

The man began to freak out, "PLEASE, I'M SORRY, IT WAS FOUND WITH THE VIRGO SPECIMEN!" I suddenly felt a presence behind me, I swung the crying guy around, Hitting guy #2. Both of them hit the ground unconscious as I left the room.

I broke down the door to see a file room, but there was only one cabinet and a cellar door. I walked over to the file cabinet and opened it up, I'm wondering what "The Virgo Specimen" means. I pulled it open and went to the tab that said "V", seeing only one file, The Virgo Project.

I opened the file and began to read.

Small Time Skip

Erza POV

An Angel Among Fairies (Natsu X Reader X Gray)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें