Welcome To The Pack

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"Well Derek you see thats the thing she's not human or werewolf" Deaton said "then what is she?" I asked "well she is a vampire." I looked over to Derek with wide eyes and Derek had the same priceless face. "Those exist?" Derek said softly "yes they do." Derek looked at me. I knew exactly what he wanted me to do; "I'll call Scott." I said pulling out my phone.

"Okay we came as soon as we could what's the emergency?" Scott said bursting through the door with Stiles following right behind him. Derek stood up and said "this is." Walking to the back room where the girl was,

We all followed Derek to the back room.

The girl was lying there peacefully, "that's just a girl." Stiles said "we know" Derek snapped "so what's the problem?" Scott said with curiosity "Isaac you wanna explain?" Derek asked me "yeah. She's a vampire." I simply stated. We all surrounded the metal bed. "Wait those exist?" Scott asked confused "now they do." I said. Looking down at the the girl. What do we do with her?" Stiles asked,

and right then and there the girl opened her eyes; they were blood red and she was breathing heavy. On cue Deaton walked in and over to her. "Hello Mono how are you feeling?" Deaton asked her as she sat up "I don't know" she said in a low voice "what do you remember?" He asked her "I was walking and some guy a blind guy came up to me and said his name was Deucalion then other people came and stood behind him and he started asking me questions I did not answer them because I didn't know what he was talking about and I kept refusing and he started to get frustrated and bit me they put his claws through my neck." she said looking up at Deaton "can you describe the people?" She looked around and said "they were two boys who looked exactly the same with blond hair and a woman with long nails, also a bald guy." She said in a soft voice "what kind of questions was he asking you?" He asked "he kept asking if I would join his pack. And if I knew something about Sco- Ahhh!!! She screamed really loud, she kept screaming, then she fell on the floor scratching the back of her neck. "Ahhhhhhh OKAY OKAY JUST STOP, PLEASE!!!" she screamed "STOP OKAY STOP!!" By now she was crying and her neck was bleeding, Derek and Scott had to hold her hands so she would not scratch her neck anymore.

She finally stopped and lied still with her eyes closed. "What was that?" Stiles asked.

*Monroe's p.o.v*

The pain was like hell. I sat up. Oh my gosh. How much my muscles ached. I was losing it, that guy Deucalion was appearing in front of me telling me to join his pack or else. I said no. And he made this pain in my body that hurt so much I couldn't take it anymore. So I joined his pack.

"What was that?" A voice came from the back of the room "Mono what was that?" Deaton asked me.

He was a good friend of my mother's and knew all about the supernatural. So that why I told them to bring me here.

"Okay. Can I talk to you guys in the other room?" He asked the other people In the room. I couldn't help but notice two cute boys, one with light brownish culrs and one with black hair.

When they left Deucalion came back and said to leave and to meet him at a abandoned bank. So I got up and realized I was still in ripped clothing. Oh well.

I ran outside and to the bank; where there I saw Deucalion and I'm guessing his pack waiting there for me

"Well Monroe. This is your new pack. Meet Kali." He pointed at the only girl there. "And these are the twins Ethan, Aiden." He said pointing to the two guys who looked alike "and this is Ennis." He said pointing to a bald guy. "Welcome to the pack." Deucalion said "now Kali get her change."


hope you like it!

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